| 3-4 Patriot (2012-01-20)      3/4 scale Patriot flown on a N and 4 M cluster. Flown at Red Glare 10.
 | 4-29SS on 4 29/40-120 motors (2011-12-05)      Altimeter deployed LOC 4-29SS launched on 4 Aerotech 29/40-120 motors. Ground started 2 G138's, then air started a F52 then a F40. Altitude was 3730 feet. Liftoff through apogee only.
 | BadAzz Das Blitzkreig (2011-08-27)      |
 | BadAzz Defender Mk1 (2011-08-27)      |
 | BadAzz Starfire (2011-08-27)      |
 | Big Mosquito Drag Race (2011-09-16)      |
 | Big V2 (2012-01-20)      The boost of the 500 lb. V2. Motors were O5800 and 2 N3300. Flown at Red Glare 10.
 | Brent Bierstedt's Honest John on a M1297 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Brent Bierstedt's Metalstorm K540.wmv (2011-11-05)      Brent tries out the new Aerotech Metalstorm propellant.
 | Brent Bierstedt's Roll the Dice on a hybrid M960 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Brent M2505 (2014-01-17)      Brent Bierstedt's V2 on a M2505.
 | Chuck Haislip's L3 (2011-12-26)      Chuck Haislip launches his 10" Nike Smoke on an Aerotech M2100G for Level 3 certification.
 | Clifton J250 Corkscrew (2011-06-25)      John Clifton's 4" upscale of the Estes Corkscrew. He flew it at Orangeburg in April 2003 on a black smoke 54mm research J250.
 | Corky Storey's Nike Smoke on a L1300 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Danny's Salad Shooter (2011-08-27)      |
 | Deuce Ground 090808 (2011-09-18)      |
 | Deuce Ground 100704 (2011-12-06)      The ground view of the Deuce flying on only 1 motor, a J410.
 | Deuce Ground 110903 J355 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Deuce Ground 121110 (2014-01-17)      A flight of my 54 mm Deuce to compare sparky motors. On the left is an Aerotech K456 Dark Matter, on the right a CTI K454 Skidmark.
 | Deuce Ground 2009-09-05 (2011-12-06)      View from the ground of the Deuce flight on J230 Skidmarks.
 | Deuce Ground 2009-11-07 (2011-12-06)      From the ground view of the Deuce flight on Aerotech K185s. One lit about a second before the other one.
 | Deuce Ground 2010-05-15 (2011-12-06)      My 54 mm Deuce on Aerotech J180 motors. Flown May 15, 2010
 | Deuce Ground 2010-06-12 (2011-12-06)      My upscale Deuce's Wild! on a pair of 38/720 J340 Metalstorm motors.
 | Deuce Ground 2010-09-04 (2011-12-06)      Ground view of my Deuce on red and blue motors.
 | Deuce Onboard 090808 (2011-09-18)      |
 | Deuce Onboard 090905 (2011-10-05)      |
 | Deuce Onboard 100704 (2011-12-06)      My Deuce on a CTI J410 red, the other motor, a CTI J425 blue failed to ignite.
 | Deuce Onboard 110903 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Deuce Onboard 120108 (2012-04-04)      Onboard view from my Deuce. Flown on a pair of CTI K160 motors to 4400 feet.
 | Deuce Onboard 121110 (2014-01-17)      Onboard view from between the motors of my upscale Deuce. The Aerotech K456 is on the right, a CTI K454 on the left. Altitude was 3521 feet.
 | Deuce Onboard 2009-09-07 (2011-12-06)      Onboard view from my upscale Deuce, this time on research (54/1280) J330 motors. Apogee was 3100 feet, main deployed at 500 feet. It was windy so I set the main lower.
 | Deuce Onboard 2009-11-07 (2011-12-06)      Onboard video from camera mounted between the motors of my upscale Deuce. Flown this time on Aerotech K185 motors with the main chute deployed at apogee. Altitude was 3321 feet.
 | Deuce Onboard 2010-05-15 (2011-12-06)      Onboard video from my Deuce on Aerotech J180 motors. This is the same flight as the ground view.
 | Deuce Onboard 2010-06-12 (2011-12-06)      Onboard video from a Kodak Zi6 720p camera mounted between the motors of my upscale Deuce's Wild! Motors were the new Aerotech Metalstorm J340s. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7H6shgC8kY for the view from the ground.
 | Deuce Onboard 2010-09-04 (2011-12-06)      Onboard video from my upscale Deuces Wild! Flown on CTI Pro38-6G motors, one a J425 blue and the other a J410 red. If you look carefully, you can see a fireball/smoke cloud on the road just after burnout. This is a bag of propellant shavings on another pad that was inadvertently fired at the same time as my rocket. See the ground view of the same date for another view. Camera is a Zi-6 taking 720p at 60 frames/sec. Altitude was 2169 feet with the main parachute deployed at 1700 feet.
 | Don Ball's Imax M flight (2011-08-27)      |
 | Eric's Mizz Rhonda boosts on a J360 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Eric's Pzzycho Killer M1230 L3 flight (2011-12-01)      Eric Foster has a perfect L3 certification flight on a CTI M1230 Imax. He completely scratch built the 6.6" diameter rocket with hand rolled fiberglass tubes and CNC machined aluminum centering rings. It's nice having a full CNC machine shop at your disposal :-)
 | Fat Boy (2012-01-20)      A 16" diameter Fat Boy on a N1000 and 4 M motors. Flown at Red Glare 10.
 | G160 Wonder (2011-10-13)      |
 | Gary Dahlke's beautiful 2 stage boost (2011-08-27)      |
 | Goblim L930 100703 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Goblin K700 (2011-09-18)      |
 | Goblin M1350 (2011-08-25)      My 7.5" upscale Estes Goblin on an Animal Motor Works M1350.
 | How Its Made Dog Barf (2011-07-13)      Commonly used by model and high power rocket fliers to protect the recovery system from the ejection charge. It's biodegradable and fire resistant. Most other recovery protecting materials are a litter problem. Put some on the ground and get it wet. You'll see where the nickname came from :-)
 | Jim Hendrickson Bad to the Bone (2012-03-15)      Jim Hendrickson brings back his 6" rocket Bad to the Bone. This flight is on a CTI Pro54 6G K590 dual thrust. The body lands in the ditch at the edge of the field with the rest on the far side of the ditch.
 | Jim Scarpine's Explorer Aquarius on a K1075 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Jim Scarpine's Star Leopard on a M3500 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Jim Scarpine's Std ARM on a K1000 (2011-09-16)      |
 | John Metcalf certs L2 (2011-08-27)      |
 | Jon M1810 (2012-10-30)      Jon Chrisman's Ultimate Wildman on a CTI M1810 L3 Attempt.
 | K450 Saucer (2012-01-20)      My 54mm saucer on a research 54/1706 K450. Flown at Red Glare 10.
 | Keycam 100515 Deuce E9.avi (2011-09-08)      |
 | Keycam EZI J90 (2011-11-05)      Key fob video from onboard my EZI. Motor was an Aerotech J90.
 | Keycam Goblin L930 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Keycam Goblin M1100 (2011-09-08)      |
 | Keycam Goblin M1350.AVI (2011-12-29)      I taped a key fob video camera to the black band just above the fins of my upscale Goblin. Then I launched it on an Animal Motor Works M1350 :-) It barely stayed on but this is the result. See the view from the ground at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GEMTbi9-jY .
 | Keycam Goblin M1500 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Keycam Viper F30-E9 (2011-09-10)      |
 | L2 cert with a 4" Nike Smoke (2011-08-27)      |
 | March Briner certs L2 (2011-08-27)      |
 | Mark's HyperLOC 1600 on a K550 (2011-09-16)      |
 | Motoreater NSL (2011-08-31)      |
 | Murphys Law on sugar (2011-09-16)      |
 | N800 Big Motoreater 080218 (2011-06-20)      My 7.5" Big Motoreater on a Research N800 boost only. There is no smoke grain. This motor is a D grain for the 98/15360 Aerotech case and burns for 17 seconds. Liftoff weight was 60 lb., of which 27 lb. was the motor. Flown at Florida Winternationals 2008 to 12500 feet (and 2 miles upwind due to weathercocking).
 | N800 Goblin (2011-08-19)      My 7.5" upscale Goblin on a research 98/15360 N800. The rocket made it to 13000 feet at Red Glare 10.
 | N800 Saucer 030712 (2011-09-18)      |
 | NCSU SLI Project (2012-03-15)      North Carolina State University Space Launch Initiative team test launch. This is about a 1/2 scale of their payload rocket. The altitude goal is 1 mile, on a J350 this 3" diameter rocket reached 5900 feet.
 | Nuts on I59.wmv (2011-09-02)      |
 | P Motor Static Test (2011-09-05)      |
 | Star Leopard M2801 Boost (2011-09-16)      |
 | The Goblin on a K375 dual thrust (2011-08-27)      |
 | Todd Blue Cluster (2011-09-21)      |
 | Tom Binford's saucer on a J99 (2011-08-27)      |
 | Tom L370 cato (2012-12-13)      Very short flight and destruction of my 54 mm saucer. The single use motor blew off the rear end. The nozzle and the casing rear had the tape thrust ring intact.
 | Tres K160 080713 (2011-08-30)      |
 | Wally Singletarry's H152 Phoenix (2011-08-27)      |
 | Wally Singletarry's L3 (2011-12-26)      Wally Singletarry launches Murphy's Law on an Aerotech M1297W for his Level 3 certification.
 | Wally's chute tested in the Deuce (2011-08-27)      |
 | Waylin Hoffman's Hydra 7 (2011-05-29)      Waylin and Johnnie Hoffman fly a Semroc Hydra 7 on 5 C6-5s.
 | Whitmore blue K in saucer (2011-08-27)      |
 | Yellow Jacket Land Shark (2011-09-16)      |