Tim Hegemier's Page

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Giant Leap Mariah 54


Problem with main deployment, shiver me timbers, one fin broke off at landing. - L1000W - DMS - Black Rock, NV [More]



Giant Leap Mariah 54


Great boost, long sustain with this dual-propellant motor. Motor casin' spun out o' t' internal motor mount, me bucko, but was found about 2000 feet away from the rocket along t' flight path.  - K375NW - Black Rock, NV [More]


Giant Leap Mariah 54


Really nice flight, ya bilge rat, good punch from t' motor. Even with drogueless recovery, flight duration was  almost 4 1/2 minutes! - K1103X - Black Rock, matey, NV [More]


Tim Hegemier