| "Max Attack" High Power Rocketry Flight (2011-08-19)      The flight of the "Max Attack" at LDRS 25 in Amarillo, TX July 1st 2006. This was my Level 3 Cert. flight. The motor is a Loki M1882.
 | "MoonShot" High Power Model Rocketry (2012-02-07)      High Power Model Rocketry flight of the "MoonShot". Bayourat Productions Producer: Whitney Richard
 | 12 09 06 High Cotton (2011-06-24)      December 9th 2006. "High Cotton" High Power rocket launch. Filmed on location in Winnsboro, LA. Presented by Tripoli Rocketry Association of Louisiana. Bayourat Productions Producer: Whitney Richard
 | AirFest 2012 "Three Stooges Drag Race" (2012-10-10)      Three, 3" minimum diameter rockets with 3 Moonburners. Provided here for your entertainment. So fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the show!
 | BALLS 20 Three Stage Rocket (2012-01-11)      This is a three stage rocket N to N to M
 | BayouRat Rocketry's Mid-Power Rail System (2011-11-19)      Are you tired of 1/4" rods wiping your mid power rockets all over the sky. With todays high thrust motors you need somthing more. We have the answer. The Mid-Power Rail System. Fit's any launch pad that will take a 1/4" rod. http://bayouratrocketry.com
 | Crazy Jim's Drag Race Round II at Southern Thunder 2007 (2011-12-31)      Featuring Andrew Grippo's Rene Rocket on a Loki K350 Moon Burner. Whitney Richard's Research One Rocket on an Animal Motor Works K555 Skidmark.
 | HIGH COTTON 12.09.06 (2011-06-28)      Tripoli Louisiana High Power Rocket Launch. In Winnsboro, LA
 | High Power Rocket "The Max Attack" M900 ST2009 (2012-09-19)      My rocket the "Max Attack" flying on a M900 Red Loki Motor. At Southern Thunder 2009
 | High Power Rocket Launch I vs. L Drag Race Tripoli Louisiana 02/19/2011 (2011-05-29)      I vs. L Drag Race Tripoli Louisiana 02/19/2011
 | High Power Rocket. 54mm diameter Rocket Shred (2011-06-25)      This is the flight of my 54mm rocket on a Aerotech K1100 Blue Thunder motor. The rocket shreds at Mach 1.5
 | High Power Rocket. On Board Video from Southern Thunder 2009 (2011-07-02)      My rocket "Research 3" flying at Southern Thunder on a K800 Blue Baboon to 6200'
 | LDRS Science Channel Trailer (2011-11-05)      The Cajun Coalition Attends LDRS with a rocket powered TIki Bar
 | LDRS XXX High Power Rocket (2011-10-22)      Yesterday I flew my 3" rocket to 15000' on a Loki Research Demo motor. It was about an L1500. 2.8 second burn. The flight was crazy fast.
 | Little Bone Dog J450 (2011-06-28)      High Power Rocket, A combination of my Bones rocket with my Little Dog rocket. Flying on a J450 at TRA-LA Launch Oct. 16, 2010
 | MaxAttack ST 2010 (2011-09-18)      |
 | My 3" Rocket "Kryptonite" Flying on a Research L Moonburner. (2012-01-11)      This is at the RocktoberSkies launch in Talladega, AL. Oct. 19, 2011
 | My 4x Upscaled Alpha Onboard Video At Rocktober Skies 2011 (2011-12-29)      Here is an OnBoard video shot from my 4x Upscaled Alpha at the Rocktober Skies Launch in Talladega, AL.
 | ScottTaylor XST III (2011-09-18)      |
 | Southern Thunder 2007 (2012-02-07)      The Southern Thunder High Power Rocket Launch in Manchester, TN Video was shot on location June 2007 Bayourat Productions Producer: Whitney Richard
 | Tripoli Louisiana High Cotton High Power Rocketry Launch March 4, 2006 (2012-07-05)      Video movie shot on location at the March 4th, 2006 High Cotton High Power rocket launch in Winnsboro, LA Bayourat Productions Producer: Whitney Richard
 | X-104 Morganza Project (2011-07-31)      Tripoli High Power Rocket. H motor class altitude record attempt.