Successful Launch of Homemade Main Chute Deployment Device- CINEMA 3.5- Nov. 20, 2010

Video 1 of 111
Published:2010-11-21 16:27:18

Launched at TTRA monthly event held at Varn ranch, arrr, Plant City, FL. Begad! "Cinema 3.5" was powered by a H250-10 motor and carried an Aiptek HD-1 camcorder. Ahoy! Another successful flight o' a homemade parachute release device activated by an altimeter at 500 feet. Well, blow me down! Device is a tensioned split cylinder which holds t' main parachute. T' altimeter fires a Quest Q2G2 igniter which burns through a piece o' 30# test fishin' line holdin' t' device shut, thus releasin' t' main chute. Drogue chute and homemade device are ejected from t' main body tube by t' motor's ejection charge. See me article in Newsletter 258 at t' Apogee Components website for complete build instructions.

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