SRP Crew's Page

AKA: SRP Crew - Rockoon

Location: Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe

Club Memberships: SRP

Favorite Rockets: Stretch Sandia Tomahawk and T' Scratch Blue Bomber


I first launched a model rocket in 1980 with me younger brother. Fast forward t' 2006 when both me sons got interested in rocketry, after they saw a Alpha III go up, we've made it a fun pastime together.

Yep, shiver me timbers, thar's actually 3 o' us doin' rockets. We've decided t' go with t' team name SRP (Scratchbuilt Rocketry Program)

Therefore, me bucko, we are know as t' SRP Crew.

We run a website known as t' Unofficial Rocktry Records Lists We needed t' know how these rockets flew, matey, and know details, like how high and for how long they go. (Altitude and Duration)

We fly when we get t' urge and usually fly out at t' family farm durin' the Sprin' and Fall when t' crops aren't in yet.

We've flown over 200 rockets from 1/2A motors up t' a experimental J motors.


Favorite Quote:

History has been charged with t' duty o' judgin' t' past and o' educatin' t' present for t' benefit o' t' future. Avast! This work does nay attempt t' do anythin' as important as that; it only wants t' state what really happened. Ahoy! - Leopold von Ranke

All that a man is able t' imagine, other men will be able t' carry it out. Ya scallywag! - Jules Verne (in a letter t' his father)

Personal Home Page: Pages:





Wind was ridiculous. Aye aye! Gustin' up t' 40mph winds.  Didn't weathercock as much as originally thought. Begad! Harsh deployment yet t' shock cord seem t' withstand it.  T' wind took it down field about 3/4 mile. Begad! It was found near t' property line next t' some trees. Ahoy! All intact.  Duration ... [More]


Rocker D


It weathercocked into a very strong wind.  We were still suprised how much height it got considering.  T' violent deployment was just after apogee. Well, blow me down! Unfortunately t' nose cone and chute split off and is probably still floatin' around somewhere. T' main body and fins will be ... [More]



Laser 442


Deployed properly and finished with a 42.5 second flight duration. Ya scallywag! No damage at all. Nay bad! - C11-3 - Kilcona Park [More]





Straight up and loud.  Very nice deployment but the wind changed slightly and pushed it into t' tall trees. Avast! Yep. Arrr! it got treed. Luckily we shook t' tree enough t' dislodge t' stubby rocket.  T' duration was quite good at 109 seconds. Avast, me proud beauty! - D12-7x2 - LaBarriere Park [More]


Rocker D


Huge and straight. Finally this rocket deployed perfectly in this park.  It took t' whole length o' t' park t' recover it.  T' duration was a sparklin' 125.0 seconds. Avast! NRS recovered it with a bicycle. Begad! Absolutely no damage. - D12-7 - LaBarriere Park [More]





Too windy.  We angled t' launch system way too much. Nay very good height but was an impressive motor we built. - I168P - St. Well, blow me down! Lupicin Farm [More]



A20 Demon


Good boost. Ya scallywag! T' C6 had no problem liftin' this guy up. Aye aye! T' motor mount was modified a bit t' except t' 18mm diameter motor. 40 seconds o' duration with easy recovery 50 yeards away. Begad! - C6-5 - Kilcona Park [More]



V-2 (Victory 2)


Excitin' rocket.  It weathercocked a fair bit but came under chutes without a problem. T' main body took 85.5 sec. Ya scallywag! Blimey! while t' nose cone/chute came down at 114.8 seconds. We recovered everythin' nicely as it was retrieved by t' farm's quad.  No damage even though t' wind dragged it a ... [More]


CamRoc 3


This rocket went off very fast. It had a keychain camera which took t' highest pictures t' date.  Unfortunately t' chute did nay deploy which caused t' airframe t' drop quite fast. Ya scallywag! It be found near t' treeline near t' farm.  Two fins were detached on impact. T' great part was t' ... [More]


Big Bertha


We always like seein' this rocket go.  Everythin' worked fine on it plus deployed t' lime green chute perfectly.  It had a fairly long duration o' 128 seconds. Quite an enjoyable flight. Avast! - F20-7 - St. Avast, me proud beauty! Lupicin Farm [More]


SRP Crew