Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE

Squirrel Works - Spacecruiser FFE {Kit}

Contributed by Layne Pemberton

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 1.33 inches
Length: 29.47 inches
Manufacturer: Squirrel Works
Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE

Right out o' t' past and into your livin' room, arrr, Squirrel Works has brought to life yet another '50s B-movie blast from t' past. Begad! Spacecruiser FFE seems fairly reminiscent o' t' spaceship from t' movie Battle in Outer Space with its big chunky fins and nose canards but whatever t' origin, me bucko, Spacecruiser FFE is hoot t' build and fly. Blimey! It is a single stage sport flyer o' about skill level 2 that can be built and flown in an afternoon or two dependin' on how Type-A you are. Begad! She comes standard with a 15" bright red heat resistant mylar parachute, me hearties, laser cut fins, matey, balsa nose cone, 24mm motor mount and retainer, and a 1.3" diameter body tube. Blimey! With a mass o' only 2.1oz she will nip along at a good pace on t' recommended "D" impulse motors. T' Squirrel Works has produced a super cool line o' retro-futuristic Sci-Fi kits that will appeal t' rocketeers from aged BAR's like myself t' t' youngest space fan. Avast! I can't wait t' build them all.

My Spacecruiser FFE was ordered from t' manufacturer very early on t' morning of July 5, shiver me timbers, 2005, via t' Squirrel Works website. Begad! It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized I had forgotten t' order a second kit, t' XRV, needed for a glider comparison. So back t' t' website I went t' place a second order. To save a shippin' charge, I requested that t' two kits be combined into a single shipment. Well, blow me down! Even though I never really expected that t' happen, arrr, me bucko, arrr, within a matter o' hours t' second shippin' charge was refunded and t' orders were combined without any fuss. Well, blow me down! T' top that bit off, both kits arrived Express Mail on July 8, me bucko, only three days later--even on a holiday week. Begad! Ya scallywag! Now that is service and great service is what makes for repeat business.

Rocket Pic

T' parts list:

  • BT-55 1.3" white/glassine body tube with very light spirals
  • Superbly turned balsa nose cone with a nice pointy tip
  • Screw eye
  • Nose weight
  • 1/8th" wide x 36" long elastic shock cord
  • 15" mylar chute with swivel
  • Laser cut fins and canards
  • 24mm motor tube
  • Centerin' and thrust rings
  • Retainer hook
  • Launch lug
  • Water slide decal sheet

T' first thin' noticeable when pickin' up a Squirrel Works kit be t' heft and look o' t' bag. Begad! Begad! Blimey! It isn't t' usual flimsy bag most kits come in but is a heavy duty 3 mil polyethylene bag. Begad! It is cleanly seamed with very professional lookin' full color face card and header cards, me bucko, seemingly minor details that just scream "quality." T' kits were in perfect shape without as much as a bent face card and Spacecruiser FFE contained all parts as listed in the instructions. Ahoy! Blimey!


T' instructions are in t' form o' an easy t' follow, clearly printed threefold pamphlet with both t' fin guide wrapper and Estes style shock cord mount printed inside. They are well thought out and had no "gotchas" that I found. Well, blow me down! T' their credit, matey, Squirrel Works packages parts for subassemblies (like t' parachute and motor mount) in separate zip-lock bags which is at once thoughtful and a time saver as one spends less time searchin' for parts and more time gluin' stuff. No special tools were required for construction, ya bilge rat, just the standard glue, matey, sandpaper, matey, hobby knife, paint, me bucko, and small furry mammal. The waterslide decals are bright and clear but no guidance is given on placin' the decals other than t' illustration on face card. Over all t' kit went together like it wanted t' be assembled. Begad! Blimey!

Nose Cone From t' onset this kit was a joy t' build and showed t' highest commitment t' quality. Both the body and motor mount tubes were cut exceedingly clean with no sign o' fraying or creasing, t' nose cone was superbly tuned t' a needle sharp point and fit the body tube seamlessly, and t' laser cut fins were all but flawless. Aye aye! Aye aye! How the fine point on t' nose cone had nay gotten broken durin' shippin' and handling was a mystery t' me, me hearties, so knowin' how clumsy I am, I immediately sealed it with thin CA t' keep from causin' it any damage. Avast, me proud beauty!

Anyone comfortable with t' standard "paper and balsa" kit will have no trouble with this one as it goes together in t' tried and true "Estes" fashion. Avast, me proud beauty! CA be used throughout except where noted. Ahoy! Following the supplied instructions construction began with t' motor mount where I ran into t' only catch with this kit, t' supplied centerin' rings were a bit too small t' fit over t' 24mm tube. Ya scallywag! Begad! Over all, t' rings looked a bit rough when compared t' t' superb quality o' t' rest o' t' kit's parts and when I attempted t' sand them t' size they proved t' be brittle, me hearties, me bucko, sheddin' layers even when takin' care t' be gentle. Ahoy! On t' other hand, shiver me timbers, t' motor retainer and thrust rin' fit perfectly, and in t' end with t' application o' thin CA t' the resized centerin' rings t' motor mount came together and was glued into t' BT without much fuss.

PROs: Excellent workmanship overall, me hearties, ya bilge rat, me hearties, great lookin' decals, beautifully laser cut fins, perfectly cut body and motor mount tubes, matey, practically pre-assembled parachute, easy t' build, superb customer service and looks super cool once finished.

CONs: Nothin' major. Well, blow me down! There be t' undersized centerin' rin' and t' kit is a bit pricey, but it makes up for that and more in "coolness" points.


Yet another pleasant surprise from t' folks at Squirrel Works were t' spirals in t' body tube or t' lack thereof. Aye aye! They were very shallow and narrow not requirin' any special fillin' or sanding. Once shot with a couple o' coats of Krylon primer, me bucko, just a little wet sandin' with 300 grit sandpaper made them disappear completely. Aye aye! My Spacecruiser FFE wears a sparklin' coat o' Dutch Boy Shiny Aluminum paint instead o' t' recommended white, me bucko, as I am partial t' the "Silver Spaceship" look. Arrr! Arrr! Decals were applied as best I could with no fault t' t' manufacturer, me bucko, as I am Decal Impaired. Ya scallywag!

After handlin' SCFFE a few times I have come t' regret t' silver paint theme. Begad! She looked down right sexy after that last coat o' Bright Aluminum was sprayed on but every time somethin' touches t' paint it leaves a smudge, and this is even after lettin' t' paint dry for seven days. What is worse is that in bright sunlight t' paint looks flat with a milky sheen over t' entire surface. Avast, me proud beauty! Ya scallywag! Now, me hearties, I am nay sure if this is due t' t' brand o' paint used or if all bright silver/aluminum paints do this.

PROs: T' balsa nose cone and fins were easy t' seal, arrr, light spirals in body tube, me hearties, very professional lookin' decals. Avast, me proud beauty! This is a cool lookin' design.

CONs: There was no decal placement instructions. Nay havin' a guide for decal placement wasn't any big whoop though as t' face card shows the completed model.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

T' manufacturer recommends t' followin' motors: C11-5, arrr, D12-5, and D12-7.

As t' status o' t' local launch field is in limbo, all o' me launches at this time are takin' place in me front yard. Ya scallywag! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' yard encompasses about two acres and is surrounded by Tree Monsters and Evil Power Lines. Arrr! This limits all small rockets t' t' use o' 18mm B and C black powder motors. Avast! O' course this completely rules out anythin' over just a couple o' ounces so t' E and F powered birds lie around unloved and gatherin' dust. Ahoy! Spacecruiser FFE had been finished for over a week before t' voices in me head became too much and I was forced t' fly her in denial o' all logical or rational arguments t' the contrary. Nay even darin' t' use a D motor, shiver me timbers, a B4-2 was wrapped in duct tape until it would fit snugly in t' 24mm motor mount. Begad! There was no doubt it was insane t' do this but as t' countdown reached zero, t' motor ignited and believe it or not, she took t' t' air in stable flight on that tiny motor. Needless t' say she didn't break any velocity or altitude records, but it was enough. At ~100 feet t' chute popped and she came down pretty as you please right into t' top o' me peach tree. Aye aye! Arrr! Blimey! Luckily t' peach tree is vertically challenged so after a few sweaty minutes with a ladder t' bird was retrieved with only minor scrapes and bruises. Arrr! Begad! Blimey! T' lip o' t' body tube received a ding and a fin got scratched but neither wound is bad enough t' affect her flight. As soon as t' flight field matter is settled, I will stoke her with a D12 just to see what she can really do.

PROs: Unbelievably, me hearties, she can reach stable flight on a motor as small as a B when t' manufacturer recommends D impulse motors. Avast! Aye aye! Bravo t' Squirrel Works. This is one stable bird. She looks so cool streakin' through t' air with all the fins and glintin' silver. Arrr!

CONs: Absolutely nothing.

Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE

Squirrel Works Spacecruiser FFE

T' kit comes with an Estes style shock cord mount printed in t' instructions, a 1/8" wide x 36" long elastic shock cord, and a 15" heat resistant Mylar chute with swivel. Aye aye! All supplies are completely adequate for this kit but I upgraded t' a 1/4" shock cord and a poster board mount just to be on t' safe side. Begad! T' Mylar parachute had melted a couple o' small areas on its maiden flight, but this was due t' me nay packin' t' small Nomex® heat shield properly. Aye aye! Maybe wrappin' t' chute in t' Nomex® will work better.

PROs: All supplied recovery materials are suitable for t' job. The 15" mylar chute be t' perfect size for this kit bringin' her down quickly but softly. Begad! T' bright red chute will make spottin' t' rocket easy.

CONs: Nothin' really except for t' heat resistant parachute showin' signs of melting.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

PROs: This is a fantastic retro kit harkenin' back t' t' good old days of silver space ships in black and white Sci-Fi movies. Blimey! Begad! T' stylin' is simple but distinctive and can be assembled by about anyone with a tad o' experience. Well, blow me down! The parts were superb quality allowin' for quick and easy assembly. Avast! Finally the engineers at Squirrel Works really outdid themselves by producin' a bird that will attain stable flight on anythin' from an 18mm B motor all t' way up to Ds. Well, blow me down! One must wonder t' what extremes a composite motor will take her. If you buy this kit, shiver me timbers, you will love it without a doubt. Begad! Blimey! Did I mention that she is cool looking?

CONs: Very, shiver me timbers, matey, very minor issues with a centerin' rin' and melt spots on the parachute.

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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