(0000-00-00)Spent Labor Day weekend in the Tri-Cities Washington Area at Sod Blaster 2018. Perfect weather - low wind, sunny, and low 80's. Soft flat field and nice attendance. Lot of vendors and pads. Well ... [View]
Angry Daddy! Estes Big Daddy on a 54mm J315R (2019-12-17)It has been some time since my last rocket video and I apologize for that. My preferred video editing software decided it no longer likes my camera's file format, and has given me fits while trying ... [View]
Nuclear Sledgehammer flying on M Aerotech redline motor (2019-09-01)Nuclear Sledgehammer flying on M Aerotech redline motor, flown by Rich Harshberger, approx 60 pounds on the pad ready to fly and flew to approx 5400' at sodblaster 2019 in Tri Cities Washington. [View]
Tri-Cities Rocketeers Sod Blaster 2019 Launch Part 3 Saturday Afternoon (2020-02-06)Afternoon and evening flying at the Sod Blaster 2019 launch. Saturday wrapped up the Big Daddy Stress Test competition (watch for a later video featuring just the Big Daddy contest), and included ... [View]
Tri-Cities Rocketeers Sod Blaster Launch 2018 Part 3 Sunday (2018-09-22)Sunday's flying at the inaugural Sod Blaster launch, held August 31st through September 3rd, 2018. This concludes my filming at the event, as I was unable to attend on Monday. This launch was ... [View]