Sledgehammer M1550 Launch - Onboard video cam

Video 1 of 83
Published:2008-12-08 04:33:25

This was t' biggest launch o' t' day, ya bilge rat, with t' largest motor permissible in California. Blimey! Mavericks Sledgehammer flyin' on a Aerotech M1550 Redline motor. It was a perfect flight, me bucko, with video capture t' whole way, even t' recovery. In this case, arrr, t' camera is pointin' outward from t' rocket, me hearties, lookin' back t' t' flight line. Begad! At t' beginning, t' beepin' sound you hear is one o' t' flight computers signalin' which o' t' pyro channels is connected. Aye aye! This is used t' deploy t' parachutes at apogee, based on barometric and accelerometer sensors. Ya scallywag! After launch, it goes into a bit o' a spin. Avast, me proud beauty! You can see how fast it gets up out o' t' clouds. Avast! T' turbulence up top be t' BP explosion deployin' t' parachutes. Well, blow me down! T' nose cone has its own 60 chute and can be seen briefly. Arrr! I would nay recommend watchin' t' whole video as it takes a while t' get back t' ground unless you are interested in t' spinnin' survey o' Snow Ranch. Aye aye! I entered this launch in a contest t' see how close we can get t' exactly one mile o' altitude (5280 ft.). After a while, and after landing, you can hear t' audible signal o' t' peak altitude recorded by t' flight computer: 5 beeps, 2 beeps, long beep, 4 beeps = 5204 ft. Arrr! Nay bad for t' mile high club.

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