Scratch Hareus Humongous Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Hareus Humongous {Scratch}

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Bill Eichelberger - 02/04/08) (Scratch) Hareus Humongous

T' Bunny and I go back a long way. Arrr! Well, blow me down! Back in t' day, t' Cloudhopper be t' only original Goony that I owned, arrr, that one bein' a $0.79 close-out table rescue back in 1977. Avast! That rocket had an unfortunate solitary flight into the underside o' t' eaves o' our house. Blimey! (I had a heck o' a time paintin' over t' "Rocket Red" smear that the rocket left without me parents knowin' what I was up to.) I still have one o' t' fins. Begad! Many years later I turned an Estes Fat Boy into a Star Snoop upscale with very impressive results. Well, blow me down! As a result o' that success, I decided t' revisit the Cloudhopper for me second upscale, matey, t' results bein' quite a bit less satisfying.

T' parts list:

(Scratch) Hareus Humongous
  • BT-80 main body tube 8.0"
  • Estes PNC-80BB nose cone
  • 2 cardboard centerin' rings
  • 12" Keelhaul®©™®® shock cord
  • 48" sewin' elastic shock cord (1/8")
  • 2 Large snap swivels
  • 18" Estes parachute
  • 3/32" basswood fin stock

At t' time o' construction I decided t' do t' project usin' materials that I had on hand. Begad! Ahoy! Blimey! Because o' the immediacy o' t' project, arrr, I decided t' make me own centerin' rings out o' cardboard, somethin' that I'd never before tried. Avast! Blimey! (They weren't much t' look at, me hearties, but they worked fine.) Because t' Star Snoop always seemed underpowered, I'd decided t' go with a 24mm motor mount over t' 18mm that had come with t' Fat Boy, so t' motor tube was made with a section o' BT-50. Aye aye! Blimey! T' me great surprise, t' results were quite acceptable, and t' entire motor mount was obviously solid. I should add that t' Keelhaul®©™® was knotted behind t' uppermost centerin' rin' and glued into place with wood glue.

Fin mountin' was another story. Begad! I didn't do such a great job in linin' up t' fins when I mounted them, me bucko, me bucko, resulting in t' bunny lookin' like it was standin' on its tip-toes. Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! Blimey! I chalked it up t' t' different angles o' t' upscale, me hearties, me hearties, but I should have ripped them off and started over. They caused a wobbly first flight, t' conclusion o' which resulted in one o' t' rudders bein' shattered. T' bunny was retired t' a dusty corner o' t' shop for a while.

Four years later I got Goony fever. I nay only built 1:1 versions o' each Goony but also completed all six as upscale birds. Well, blow me down! Arrr! After lookin' over t' wrecked Cloudhopper, me hearties, I decided that nay only would resurrection o' t' project involve finishin' t' paint and decals but also in t' reorientation o' t' wings. Avast, me proud beauty! I ripped t' wings off and moved each about 1/2 inch toward t' stabilizer. Arrr! T' results weren't aesthetically pleasin' due t' t' rather obvious scars from removal, me bucko, me hearties, but t' new fin orientation made a huge difference in flight stability.

Since me original Cloudhopper be built around t' time I made me bulk buy o' "Rocket Red" bargain spray paint find, I had a "Rocket Red" bunny. Blimey! Surprisingly, ya bilge rat, me hearties, "Rocket Red" spray paint is nay available these days, ya bilge rat, which probably explains me bargain find, me hearties, forcin' me t' go with a more generic fluorescent red. Well, blow me down! T' first flight came durin' t' red phase, but when I decided t' build t' whole Goony fleet, I decided t' go with t' more traditional yellow color, sprayin' Valspar Bumblebee Gloss directly over t' flat red. Ahoy! Avast! This gave t' bunny an orange tint that be somewhat more in keepin' with t' original color.

(Scratch) Hareus Humongous T' original decals for this rocket were stickers, ya bilge rat, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but me past experience with tryin' to make me own met with lousy results. Because o' this I just went with an upscaled decal printed on Bel Decal white decal paper. Well, blow me down! Well, blow me down! It looked and worked great.

Flight and Recovery:
T' first flight o' t' big bunny was back in 2003 on a D12-5. Well, me hearties, blow me down! Blimey! I wasn't entirely pleased with t' looks o' the finished product at that time, so this flight would be done in primer, ya bilge rat, albeit fluorescent primer. Ahoy! Blimey! Flight #1 was somethin' less than completely successful. Begad! Blimey! From t' moment it left t' rod it wiggled and seemed t' have trouble gettin' up t' actual flyin' speed. Arrr! Blimey! T' D12-5 was a good choice, liftin' t' rocket t' a respectable height and ejecting just as t' rocket had begun t' arc over. At this point what happened was just a combination o' t' mass o' t' rear fins and a reefed 18" chute. Begad! Begad! Blimey! Had t' rocket hit t' ground with anythin' other than t' large upper fin structure, it might have survived t' flight with no damage. Unfortunately it landed directly on one o' t' rudders, which shattered. Aye aye! Blimey! So much for three flights for t' review.

(Scratch) Hareus Humongous Four years later, ya bilge rat, after a near complete rebuild, arrr, t' bunny took t' t' skies again. Well, blow me down! Since the stability o' t' first flight had been questionable, arrr, I went with a C11-5 for t' second flight. From t' moment of liftoff it be obvious that t' rebuild had greatly helped t' stability o' t' rocket, and t' entire flight was notable for t' lack o' wiggle. Well, blow me down! Everythin' looked great at ejection. T' rocket be on t' way down under t' reefed chute, shiver me timbers, headin' for a soft landin' in t' weeds when suddenly t' body dropped t' t' ground. Well, blow me down! T' chute and nose cone kept on driftin' into t' weeds, ya bilge rat, but t' body crashed t' t' ground, landin' hard on t' previously undamaged rudder. So much for previous undamage. Avast, me proud beauty! Avast! A second hit caused t' previously damaged rudder t' loosen. Aye aye! T' score so far: two flights, arrr, shiver me timbers, both o' which caused major damage. Begad! This bunny seems cursed. (As was t' original.) Postmortem examination of the parts seems t' point t' t' sewin' elastic shock cord snappin' due t' dry rot over t' four year layoff. The Keelhaul®©™® showed no unusual wear, matey, me hearties, and with a new piece o' heavier duty sewin' elastic, ya bilge rat, t' whole oft-rebuilt mess will fly again someday soon. Arrr!

PROs: It's big. Begad! It's a Goony. Ahoy! Arrr! It's big and Goony. Aye aye!

CONs: T' basswood makes it heavy, me bucko, me hearties, and with t' fin setup, arrr, shiver me timbers, all o' t' weight is massed at t' aft o' t' rocket. If I had t' do it over again I'd do it with balsa and a longer piece o' Keelhaul®©™®. I also wouldn't let it sit for five years betwixt flights.


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