1.5X Mach 10 Upscale

Centuri - Mach 10 {Kit} (5004, KA-4) [1971-1979]

Contributed by Drake "Doc" Damerau

Manufacturer: Centuri
Style: Glider

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X UpscaleBrief:
This is a 1.5X upscale o' t' classic Centuri rocket. This rocket appears in t' early 1970's Centuri catalogs. Mine flew perfectly but many people had trouble with theirs.

Here is what you'll need:

  • 12" BT-80 tube
  • 2.25" BT-20 tube
  • 9.75" BT-50 tube
  • 4" x 36" balsa sheet
  • 2 PNC-20 nose cones ("Pod cones")
  • 1 PNC-50 nose cone ("large cone")
  • Motor mount assembly
  • Clay
  • Streamer

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale

All o' t' nose cones must be hollow so that you can add clay t' them. Avast! Blimey! I used a 3.6:1 ogive nose cone for t' weight pod because that's all I had in me parts box. Blimey! I recommend usin' a shorter or elliptical one if you can.

Whenever buildin' an upscale, I recommend downloadin' all t' instructions and things found on Jim Z's website. Arrr! Blimey! I've done many upscales and this is how I get started and build every one o' them.

T' engine choice is critical. You can build this t' use either an 18mm or a 24mm motor, matey, but you'll have t' stick t' t' motor choice. Avast! Ya scallywag! T' weight o' t' burnt out motor is critical for this t' fly properly, me hearties, so an adaptor may nay work without havin' t' completely rebalance it betwixt engine sizes. Begad! I went with an 18mm version.

T' hardest part o' this build is up scalin' t' fin patterns. Begad! Begad! T' upscale mine, ya bilge rat, me bucko, I printed various copies o' t' fin pattern found at JimZ's site until I measure them at 1.5x. Blimey! These big fins fit perfectly on t' 4" width o' t' balsa sheet. Well, blow me down! I used a 4" by 36" sheet and had plenty left over for another project.

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale


Draw lines on t' body tube 180° from each other. Aye aye! One will be t' attachment point for t' wings and pod and t' other will be t' attachment point for t' tail.

Glue t' two larger fins together t' make t' win' and allow t' dry. Ahoy! I laid mine on wax paper butted together and used CA t' glue them. Allow t' dry. Well, blow me down! Glue win' assembly on t' t' body, 2 1/16" from t' motor end. Blimey! Blimey! This needs t' be done carefully t' keep t' alignment perfect. Aye aye! This is a glider and all t' fins must be straight. Add t' launch lugs t' t' win' assembly. Ya scallywag! Glue one on each side. Well, blow me down! Well, arrr, blow me down! Blimey! This will keep it aerodynamically balanced and helps t' support t' wings.

Glue t' tail "tip" assembly onto t' tail as shown. Ahoy! T' aft o' t' tail fin should be 3/8" from t' aft o' t' main tube. Avast, me proud beauty! Make sure everythin' is square. Use generous fillets t' strengthen t' completed assembly.

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale Build your motor mount as you would any kit. Ya scallywag! Arrr! Glue this assembly into t' BT-50 tube. Begad! Ahoy! Once this is dry, me hearties, glue it into t' main body tube underneath t' tail. Arrr! It must be square with t' wings and tail. T' only other important thin' here is that t' motor needs t' stick out 1/4" from t' back o' t' rocket. This helps balance t' rocket.

Glue t' pod assembly t' t' front o' t' body as shown. Aye aye! Since I did nay use t' correct pod cones, ya bilge rat, arrr, I had t' place mine further back. Avast! T' thin' t' know here is that t' further back you glue it, t' more weight will be needed t' balance it for flight.

Assemble t' window assembly and glue it 1/2" from t' front on t' top, aligned with t' tail assembly. Avast! Give it a good soakin' with thin CA.

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale

T' original kit had two color schemes. Blimey! One was all blue like a Navy fighter and t' other was white like an Air Force fighter. I went with t' white scheme.

Balancin' must be done after all t' paintin' and finishin' is complete. Remove t' large nosecone with t' streamer and set it aside. Well, blow me down! This is how t' Mach 10 will weigh when it's flying. Blimey! Add some clay t' t' front nose cone in t' pod. Begad! Holdin' it by t' tank pod, gently throw it. If it turns up and stalls, you need t' add more weight. Begad! If it takes a nose dive, ya bilge rat, me bucko, you have too much weight. Ya scallywag! Keep playin' with it until it glides straight. Ahoy! Once you have it balanced and flyin' well, me bucko, take note o' t' CG.

Now install a new motor, t' streamer, waddin' and t' large nose cone. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! Add clay t' t' larger nose cone so that it balances about 2" in front o' t' CG you had in t' previous step. Arrr! T' further forward it is, me hearties, arrr, t' better it will fly in t' "rocket mode"

With everythin' in place, t' CG is forward o' t' CP. Aye aye! When t' motor ejects t' nosecone and streamer, t' CG shifts back over t' CP and it becomes a glider.

(Scratch) Centuri Mach 10 1.5X Upscale

I launched this rocket several times before this review with C6 motors. I found that t' 3 second motor worked better than t' 5 second delay. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! I recommend launchin' it in as little wind as possible because t' wind can catch it and flip it over durin' t' boost phase.


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