Flight Log - 2011-05-21 - Roger Smith's Vertical Assault
Flight Date: 2011-05-21
Rocket Name: Vertical Assault
Kit Name: Giant Leap Rocketry - Vertical Assault 3.0
Flyer's Name: Roger Smith
Motors: J330
Expected Altitude: 4,000 Feet
Wind Speed: 10.00 mph
Launch Site: TTRA
Actual Altitude: 3,412 Feet

The rocket wobbled a little on the way up, but up it went - really high. We saw a puff of smoke at apogee, but lost site of the rocket. A few seconds later, the purple parachute appeared above some trees past the edge of the launch site.
I expected to spend hours looking for the rocket in the woods before giving up and heading home. But, it actually took less than half an hour for me to spot the rocket in the low branches of a tree.
Apparently, the drogue didn't deploy. The rocket suffered a severe zipper when the main 'chute deployed. But, it looks like I'll be able to repair it by replacing one tube and making a few minor repairs.

1CTI 765J330-16A


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