| "38 Special" High Power Rocket (2012-03-09)      This is Camera #2 of the "Onboard a Rocket to 4356' " launch.
 | 2 Stage Rocket On Board Video Estes "mini" Oracle (2011-09-28)      2 Stage Estes "mini" Oracle D12-0/D12-7. Good altitude, straight flight, and you can see the separation and booster motor fall away. You can see the glowing inside the burnt out booster motor in one frame. Its a great video. Estimated altitude of 1200'.
 | 2 Stage Rocket with on-board cam (2011-05-29)      This is the eighth and highest launch to date with the on-board cam. Its a two stage rocket called Snubby that I fully designed and built myself.I'm usung Estes D12-0 for the booster and a D12-7 for the sustainer. I'm using the Estes Oracle nose cone for the camera. If you look close enough you can see the separation and the booster fall away. My adventure to see how high I can send this camera is only beginning.
 | 2 Stage Rocket with Onboard Camera (2011-09-24)      My second flight of Pinacle 2 with a G80 staging to a G80 3 seconds later. Onboard altimeter read 4640' but this flight had arced over horribly even before the second stage ignited. Recovery was over a mile away! Simulated speed of 600mph! This is my first two stage composite propellant scratch built rocket with dual deployment. Future design modifications include H or I power booster staging to a H power sustainer after my level 1 certification, That should break 12000' and 800mph!
 | Big model rocket with onboard camera (2011-09-24)      This is the Maiden Flight of my 38 Special using a G80T. I built this rocket for my level 1 and 2 certification flights and I was testing to see if it flew streight and true. It is a dual deployment set-up and it worked flawlessly. 923' confirmed altitude.
 | BoosterVision Mile High 2 stage rocket (2011-08-19)      This is my Pinacle2Sv1 rocket using a Boostervision Gearcam DVR for taking horizon angle video at 640x480. I had a G80-7 in the booster and a G64 in the sustainer. It made 5801' via Perfect Flite MAWD. It was my first dual deployment, and first 2 stage CP rocket flight. Flawless other than some spin. Broke into the clouds!
 | Disaster Onboard a High Power Rocket (2012-04-15)      This was my CAR Lvl. 2 attempt at Roc Lake 12 in June 2010. I am/was flying a dual deployment modified BSD 38 Special on an Aerotech I284W. The flight was perfect and straight up but as it approached mach the shockwave over the altimeters pressure port fooled the sensor into thinking it had reached apogee. This caused the apogee drouge to deploy right after boost, shredding the rocket at approx 700mph. Fortunately the camera survived the destruction for your viewing pleasure!
 | Estes Oracle on E30-7T (2012-06-29)      I was bored with the lame D12-5 in the Oracle so I stuffed in an aerotech E30-7T. It was a perfect fit. Estimated at 1550' and with almost no spin. Not bad.
 | Estes Oracle with E9-8 (2011-09-29)      Estes Oracle with E9-8. A little too long of delay for this rocket....it's just too heavy. But maybe with an Aerotech E?
 | Flying onboard a 2 stage rocket (2011-08-21)      Winter launch of my 2 Stage Arreaux. Using a Featherweight Raven Altimeter for dual deployment and second stage ignition. PerfectFlite Micro timer3 for stage seperation. Reached 6041' and 503mph.
 | G-40 Powered rocket with on-board cam (2011-06-28)      This is a rocket designed and built by me with a G-40-10W. It is really lightweight and soars to 3500'. Watch as it corkscrews all the way up.
 | Go Pro, 2 Stage Rocket launch (2011-08-19)      Wide angle video of my 2 stage Arreaux rocket launch.
 | High Power Rocketry H-class Altitude Record (2011-07-05)      Roc Lake 13, July 2, 2011. My Dagger 29 rocket, launching on a CTI H-160CL for a new H-class Canadian and possibly Tripoli Altitude Record. I recovered the rocket 3kms from the launch site.
 | Keychain Camera On a Rocket (2011-06-25)      Test flight. Upper stage only, of 2 heavily modified Aerotech Arreaux's designed for 2 stages and dual deployment. Flown on an ATG80T. Altitude from Raven2 = 2891'.
 | On Board Cam Estes Oracle on NEW Aerotech E20-7W!! (2011-09-29)      Good altitude with this motor.
 | Onboard a 2 Stage Rocket Disaster (2011-09-09)      After booster seperation I had an event. Apogee charge fired fractions of a second before sustainer ignition.
 | Onboard a Level 1 Flight (2011-05-29)      My CAR Lvl.1 cert flight. This is a Dual Deployment modified BSD 38 Special on an Aerotech H123W. Flawless flight! Success!
 | Onboard a Mid Power Rocket Going Into Raincloud (2011-09-28)      This is a really cool video of my AT Areaux on a G80-13T. This motor really rocks and sends it to a confirmed altitude of 3097' !!!! WOW! Great flight up, and at about 2500' I start to get into rain and you can see it in the video. It is raining even under parachute until about 2500'. Also at the top of the flight I am in the very bottom edge of the clouds! What a video! There was no rain at the ground! Only from 2500' to the top of the flight.
 | Onboard a rocket at SAM 2010 (2011-09-10)      Onboard an Oracle rocket at SAM 2010. Boosted with an AT reloadable F24-7W.
 | Onboard a rocket to 3650' (2011-09-29)      Flight of Corkscrew using a G40-10W. Estes Oracle video nosecone installed for this flight. Great altitude on this one. See how it changes spin direction after the first half second or so......wow! Then it corkscrews all the way up. Looks like I have a canted fin.
 | Onboard a Rocket to 4356' (2012-03-09)      I was at Fire and Ice 2012 for the day and decided to throw my BSD "38 Special" up on an Aerotech I284W. Great winter time launch. Pretty cool to recover it on a frozen lake.
 | Onboard Rocket Camera, Arreaux G64-10W (2011-09-28)      I just received my "Key Chain Cam" from China and was eager to see some cool video. I taped it to the side of the payload bay of my AT Arreaux and threw in a G64-10W and a Perfectflite MiniAlt/WD to record some data. I am honestly BLOWN away at the quality for the size of this device. It has great quality video and audio. The parachute deployment on this video is AWESOME! Right at apogee! Watch and enjoy! PS I will be using a single chute for the next ride and maybe that will help stablize the video on the descent.
 | Onboard Rocket Video After Sunset (2011-06-25)      This flight I launched shortly after sunset hoping for a cool "nightish-like" view. I have an AT Arreaux here with a "Key Chain Spy Cam" taped to the side launching with a G40-10W. Estimated altitude of 2500'. You can see the town of Strathmore in the distance on several frames near apogee.
 | Rocket Changes Spin Direction Twice! (2011-07-13)      This is a scratch built duel deployment rocket flown on a CTI G54 longburn Red Lightning motor. Very cool how it changes spin direction twice! Raven altimeter altitude of 4000' Apogee streamer failed to deploy causing a short shock cord during descent and unstable video. Once the main chute opened then it just vibrated.