Rocket Dungeon Posts
Launch Report 2009-2 - Red Glare VI (2009-04-18)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( Red Glare VI ) Weather: mid 70's, light breeze Total flights: Today - 6; YTD - 16 Total motors: Today - 11; YTD - 21 The day started well with light traffic and one ... [Read More]
Red Glare 6, documented (2009-04-24)
The MDRA page is being populated. And like I previously noted, my photos are here . I should submit some to MDRA too, I reckon... Egads, I just noticed the flight of my ill-fated Messer-Fo-Shizzle ... [Read More]
Red Glare 7 is off and running...I guess (2009-11-13)
Only got home late last night and had no time to stage my rockets and rocket-related accessories. With the remnants of Ida stalled overhead, the forecast today is 90% chance of rain and winds ... [Read More]
Bow to my power (Red Glare 7 update) (2009-11-23)
Earlier today, I lamented the lack of photographic evidence from Red Glare 7. It looks like I jumped the gun . I'm sure my post had no role in facilitating the update....or did it... I ... [Read More]
Red Glare 8 videos (2010-04-19)
The official and ROCKETS Magazine albums aren't up yet but this TRF thread (starting around post #103) is being populated with photographic evidence of the event. I won't steal the photos, but ... [Read More]
Red Glare IX is ON! (2010-09-01)
Per Dave Olson on Facebook: October 22 -24 [Read More]
Red Glare IX - one cause, 2 'chutes, tons of rockets (2010-09-15)
The '2-'chute' logo has been selected via popular vote. The event is shaping up well. Check it out ! As for me, the jury is still out as to whether I'll be able to attend. [Read More]
Not two, but three Saturn 1B's appeared at Red Glare (2010-10-24)
Events not to be discussed here prevented me from attending Red Glare IX. However, my rocket buddy Warthog promised to send photos for me to post. He reported that Steve Eves 1:9 scale ... [Read More]
Red Glare 9 gallery (2010-10-26)
_MG_4566.jpg , originally uploaded by Nick DeBrita . Click through for the rest... [Read More]
Some Red Glare 9 videos (2010-10-27)
Al Gloer has loaded his videos to YouTube . Here's one to whet your whistle - Tom Hier's 95% Harpoon on three experimental 'M' motors!. [Read More]
More Red Glare IX coverage (2010-10-28)
Bender! (before the hard left turn) [Read More]
The official Red Glare IX album (2010-10-30)
MDRA's Red Glare IX album is up! Take a look and check back often. [Read More]
Red Glare IX: the ROCKETS albums (2010-10-31)
Start on the Friday page and the navigate forwards. [Read More]
Red Glare - "This is it—the big one." (2010-11-19)
Mark Canepa has written a nice description of MDRA's biannual Red Glare launch. See that, as well as a look at the nine runners up, in High Power Rocketry's Top 10 Biggest Regional Launches ... [Read More]
The latest Red Glare IX video (2010-12-11)
Nick Alexopulos made this Red Glare IV video for class project. As MDRA member Brett noted, this is video emphasizes the people over the rockets. [Read More]
Dates set for the Saturn 1B launch and Red Glare X (2011-02-10)
I just received notice that Steve Eves' and Vern Hoag's big Saturn 1B's will fly on April 16th and that Red Glare X is set for the previous weekend, April 8th-10th. Mark your calendars and ... [Read More]
Rocketry Live may cover Red Glare X and the Eves/Hoag Saturn 1B extravaganza (2011-04-06)
Rocketry Live , the sister site to NARAM Live, may feature photos and video from both events. While 'may' doesn't sound exciting, it'll only cost you a mouse click to check. Red Glare X, April ... [Read More]
Red Glare X, Day 1 via Rocketry Live (2011-04-10)
Red Glare X, Day 1, Page 1 [Read More]
Red Glare X, Day 2 and 3 via Rocketry Live (2011-04-15)
All three days of Red Glare X photos and videos are now up on Rocketry Live! In the name of news coverage, here are a few samples: Before After Warthog's Big Starfighter [Read More]
Red Glare X is coming to a TV near you (2011-04-20)
Bob Utley just announced that WBOC-16 will be featuring Red Glare X on the next episode of Outdoor Delmarva . The show will air this coming Saturday at 7:30PM. Those of us who don't ... [Read More]
Red Glare X on Outdoor Delmarva (2011-04-24)
I'm hiding the video below the jump break. The embedded video loads slowly and seems to eat resources so I don't want it loading every time I go to my blog. However, it is worth viewing ... [Read More]
Red Glare XI (2011-10-15)
Per Bob Utley: Wanted to let you know that Red Glare XI will be November 18-20, 2011. You can register now on-line and get a room at the Sleep Inn under Red Glare XI for the discount rate. [Read More]
Coming to Red Glare XI (2011-11-12)
DSCF0535-13.jpg , a photo by Nick DeBrita on Flickr. Nick DeBrita's 1/6 scale Mercury Redstone: 100 lbs; Predicted alt: 8,000' Motors: 1x M2400T, 4x K1100T [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-7 (Red Glare XI) (2011-11-18)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD (MDRA Red Glare XI, day #1) Weather: clear; high was in the low 40s; wind 5 MPH, mas o menos Total flights: Today - 5; YTD - 57 Total motors: Today - 5; YTD - 72 I ... [Read More]
Red Glare action: Tom Heir's 1/6 scale Mercury Redstone (2012-04-15)
The rocket looked awesome and the flight was one of the best of day one. It flew on a central M1939W and four K550Ws. Tom reports it flew to 5,760' and four K550Ws and was recovered with no damage. ... [Read More]
Red Glare XII/ESL-167 photo- and videography (2012-04-16)
While you are waiting for the official gallery to get posted, you might want to watch this TRF thread: (link starts at ... [Read More]
The official Red Glare XII photo gallery (2012-04-19) [Read More]
Aerotech is planning to invade Red Glare (2013-03-25)
Dan Michael, flier of a 3/4 scale Patriot (and other huge rockets) and Aerotech's East Coast representative, posted this in Facebook. MDRA's RED GLARE 14 - April 12, 13 & 14, 2013... Gary ... [Read More]
Awesome upscales at Red Glare XIV (2013-04-15)
Flickr user SEVRA621 has a nice set of RG XIV photos , including two rockets that I mentioned in my launch report. Here is Joe Zawodny's awesome 2.5x Black Star Voyager flying on a CTI L1030. ... [Read More]
More Red Glare XIV eye candy (2013-04-18)
MDRAer Nick DeBrita had a great RG XIV album on Flickr. He picked around 200 of his best shots out of the 1800+ that he took. Thanks for doing that, bro. As good as they are, 1800 photos would ... [Read More]
Clusters, maths, and Red Glare (2014-04-23)
The current issue of Apogee's Peak of Flight Newsletter, Issue 363 , presents a method to compute all the required holes and templates to make a canted motor rocket. The article was penned by ... [Read More]
I'm on Flickr...well, kinda (2008-12-19)
I finally used my Flickr account - you can find my photostream here . The crappy 100MB limit didn't even allow my whole Red Glare V album to be uploaded, and I won't be able to add more until next ... [Read More]
The Dungeon's Top 10 of 2008 (2008-12-23)
All and all, 2008 was a momentous year here in the Dungeon. On a personal basis, it started poorly but ended on a high note. But, since this is a rocketry blog, my top 10 is limited to on-topic ... [Read More]
More photos posted (2009-01-15)
I added albums for Red Glare IV, Red Glare II and TRF-3 to my OurPlanet page. I also added some missile-aneous photos to my Flickr photostream . Since I'm volume limited there, I think I'll put most ... [Read More]
Steve Eves' Saturn V launch date (2009-02-23)
I just saw the article on Rocketry Planet regarding Steve Eves' 1:10 scale Saturn V and suddenly it struck me that I've been remiss in announcing the launch date has been set. The big Saturn V will ... [Read More]
Knock, knock, anyone home? (2009-04-01)
Man, my blogging hasn't been this slow for years. I slowed down when I got busy on a non-rocketry project but since I re-emerged I just haven't found much material that has motivated me. That, ... [Read More]
Prep day (2009-04-17)
In preparations for Red Glare VI tomorrow, I lugged rockets and range boxes up from the Dungeon, made sure I had all the motors I'll need and built G185-5, G67-7G, G69N-P, and F39-6 reloads. All ... [Read More]
Amateur geekiness from the old world (rocket motors!) (2009-05-16)
Great find! The EGE links to a fantastic British site - The Rockets Red Glare - a very different British amateur rocketry page featuring model rocketry heritage . Although British, it also has motor ... [Read More]
Messer-Fo-Shizzle officially DOA (2009-07-03)
I finally decided to rebuild the Messer-Fo-Shizzle after it failed to deploy at Red Glare VI . Well, the news was worse than expected. I thought I'd have to trim and extend the upper body, reattach ... [Read More]
Of Warthogs and Binders (Extreme Rocketry 80) (2009-08-26)
I just got hold of some issues of Extreme Rocketry . Issue 80's (April 2009) cover story is a report on MDRA's Red Glare V. Author/photographer Mark Canepa really gets around as he is also a big ... [Read More]
Get ready to Lock and Load this Friday (2009-09-23)
Erik Gates gave us a heads-up on The History Channel's Lock and Load a couple of months ago, and now it it upon us: Friday, September 25 10:00 PM Saturday, September 26 02:00 AM Gunny gets a ... [Read More]
October launch scrubbed (by me) (2009-10-23)
Mid 60's and 90% chance of rain. Bah. Also, it's 50/50 that I'll have at least some conflict with Red Glare in November. Bah^2 (Still, my fingers are crossed.) [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, October 2009 (2009-10-28)
This month, Bob and Neil's editorial discusses the state of rocketry magazines. During the last 4 months or so, we have lost 50% of our rocket magazines - both LAUNCH and Extreme Rocketry succumbed ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2009-8 (Red Glare 7) (2009-11-15)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( Red Glare VII ) Weather: mid to high 60's, light breeze, clear Total flights: Today - 7; YTD - 72 Total motors: Today - 10; YTD - 87 The remnants of Hurricane Ike ... [Read More]
Monday stuff (2009-11-16)
1. Watched Atlantis STS-129 launch on NASA TV. 2. As best I could, I recreated the MLAS nose weight that I used on-site and weighed it. It came up to 0.3 oz.. I found ... [Read More]
Pushing Reg Glare 7 off the queue (2009-11-23)
What I mean by that is that the first post today will push my Red Glare 7 flight report off my top page (it is obviously still there, but visitors will have to look for it). I was hoping to ... [Read More]
Steve Eves is out to beat his record (2009-12-30)
The reports on Steve Eves' latest project, a 2-stage Saturn 1B. No details on the scale or motors, but it does say that he hopes to fly the new beast to 2 miles in the Spring of ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, December 2009 (2010-01-04)
Among other things, the holidays (along with the cold weather) have pushed my rocketry reset button. My two ongoing project need paint and that isn't happening any time soon. To the ... [Read More]
The latent April Fool's Day post (2010-04-02)
It seems all my cute ideas for April Fools posts only arise when it's not April Fools Day. That applies to all pranks not just blog posts. So, I didn't try to pull any. I had considered ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2010-3 (2010-04-03)
Location: Great Meadow, The Plains, VA ( NOVAAR ) Weather: mid 70's; clear to high thin clouds; wind 5 - 10 mph Total flights: Today - 7; YTD - 19 Total motors: Today - 7; YTD - 19 I was ... [Read More]
Paper rocket launch in Baltimore/fire and smoke at Price, MD (2010-04-13)
Paper Rocket Launcher , originally uploaded by jonlesser . The Baltimore Node , a collaborative DIY group, will be launching paper rockets at the Mid-Atlantic Mini Maker Faire at Robotfest on April ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2010-4 (Red Glare 8) (2010-04-17)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( MDRA ) Weather: high 50's; partly cloudy; very windy and chilly Total flights: Today - 2; YTD - 21 Total motors: Today - 2; YTD - 21 As usual, I planned to ... [Read More]
The X37-B is up there somewhere... (2010-04-22)
Or, at least that is what Spaceflight Now is reporting . T+plus 19 minutes, 58 seconds. SPACECRAFT SEPARATION! The Centaur upper stage has deployed the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle following today's ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, June 2010 (2010-06-15)
What's inside: Review of an Estes Saturn V complete with scale gantry; Pt. 5 of Black Magic Missile Work's electronics series; Rocket girl Haley Allen; Launch report from the Phoenix Missile Works ... [Read More]
Gone Batty is going to get a boost (2010-09-16)
As I was rummaging around trying to figure out what to take to ESL-148 this coming weekend, I spotted Gone Batty and the light bulb turned on. This rocket flies OK on two D12-3's but isn't ... [Read More]
Already antsy to launch, building is in the doldrums (2010-09-25)
A mere week after ESL-148, I'm already itching to launch. My October launches are still up in the air and the prospects of missing them is fueling the itch. I have NARHAMS and then Red ... [Read More]
Rocket launch probabilities (2010-10-15)
I was looking forward to this weekend's NARAMS launch but it looks like life has gotten in the way. P L =0. I also feel bad for the rest of the club because the weather report is saying the ... [Read More]
A pair of 1:9 scale Saturn 1B's (2010-10-19)
I see that Steve Eves' and Vern Hoag's Saturn 1B's are slated to be on display at Red Glare IX this coming weekend. Attached is a shot of Steve's from Red Glare VIII last spring. I hope to get ... [Read More]
Where's Waldo Dave Weber? (2010-10-31)
Here's a nice panorama of Red Glare IX. To find Dave, click the thumb, go to the 'actions' pull down menu, click 'view all sizes', and select the biggest one. [Read More]
I couldn't attend the launch, but I'm wearing my T-shirt anyway! (2010-11-20)
I was unable to attend MDRA's ESL-150, which is being held this weekend. The weather looks pretty good and I'm crossing my fingers for milder than predicted winds. In any event, I'm ... [Read More]
Mega-Review: Modified Art Applewhite Standard Flying Saucers (LONG) (2010-12-16)
Art's standard saucers fly great, but sometimes you just want to try something different. Details are hidden below the page break. Convert a 38mm, 12" saucer to a 3x 24mm cluster. Brief: When he was ... [Read More]
Review: Madcow AQM-37 Jayhawk (2010-12-16)
My review of the Madcow AQM-37 Jayhawk is below the page break. You can also find out more about this kit by following the tag at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! Brief: This is a nice ... [Read More]
Review: SpaceShipSqrt(-1) (2011-01-08)
When one of my rocketry buddies decided to hold a building session, I was scrambling to decide what to work on. I decided to use a 50% off Michael's coupon to grab an Estes SS1 kit for bashing. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Videos: Tape v. DVD (2011-01-26)
This post describes the Point 39 Productions LDRS XIX (on VHS tape) and the ROCKETS Magazine/Liberty Launch Systems Red Glare IV (on DVD) videos. Point 39 Productions - LDRS XIX Ever since ... [Read More]
Review: Landshark 2.0/3.0 (2011-01-31)
My original Landshark (V1.0) flew on 38mm Js and sported some cool shark fin-shaped fins from Giant Leap. Since there was little hope it would ever fly again, I decided to reuse the fins on a much ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, Feb. 2011 (2011-03-10)
How many times since ROCKETS first appeared in my mailbox have I complained about the contents mostly being launch reports? Well, a lot. Less when there was coverage of launches I ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-01 (2011-03-20)
Location: Price, MD ( MDRA ESL-154) Weather: partly cloudy, low 50's, wind 0 - 5 MPH Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 11 Total motors: Today - 21; YTD - 21 I left very early under the light of the ... [Read More]
Monday Miscellany (2011-04-11)
Reader Artemi sent me another link from Russia . I haven't had time to fully explore it but it looks like it has a lot of rocket aero-philately (rocket mail) related posts. I didn't run the ... [Read More]
New photo galleries - RG-X and Saturn 1B (2011-04-20)
I see ROCKETS Magazine has a Saturn 1B launch day gallery and that MDRA's Red Glare-X photo album is being populated. [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, April 2011 (2011-05-31)
I'll start with what I think was the most significant news contained within the pages of this issue. In a short but deep article, David Chance reflects on how "rocketry can teach you lessons ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-6 (2011-09-17)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-160) Weather: cloudy, high 60s, wind ~5 MPH Total flights: Today - 4; YTD - 52 Total motors: Today - 4; YTD - 67 The day started poorly with ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-8 (2011-12-17)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( MDRA ESL-163) Weather: mostly cloudy; high was 41; wind 10+ mph Total flights: Today - 5; YTD - 62 Total motors: Today - 8; YTD - 80 I broke my standard rule of not ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, August 2011 (2011-12-17)
I'll first address the timing of this issue - it's late. The guys at ROCKETS have had some glitches and have gotten behind. However, they report no serious problems and expect to ... [Read More]
SC Precision airfoil rail guides (2011-12-23)
I just got sample set of SC Precision's new 10-Series Airfoil Rail Guides for 1" rails. Thanks Scott! The larger 15-Series guides debuted at Red Glare XI and seemed to be a hit. ... [Read More]
Feed reader stars and interesting links (2012-01-29)
Oddroc of the day: Kinder Surprise Rocket , on Sascha Grant's Flickr photostream Armadillo flies STIG-A to 137kft, makes "hard landing" , RLV and Space Trasnport - via Jeff Foust via NM ... [Read More]
Feed reader stars, tweets and other interesting links (2012-03-13)
JSC's methane-fueled Morpheus Lander (built by Armadillo) performed another tethered hover today. Although longer than the last one, it was not different enough to warrant a separate post. ... [Read More]
Flight report 2012-2 (updated) (2012-04-13)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD (MDRA Red Glare XII , day #1) Weather: Clear blue skies, high in the mid 60's, wind started at around 10+ but calmed late in the day Total flights: Today - 6; YTD ... [Read More]
Christmas in April (2012-04-21)
Here's a good shot of the flight of the Flaming Christmas Tree of Death at Red Glare, courtesy of Neil McGilvray and ROCKETS . ( Christmas in April was its alias for this one launch.) ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, October 2012 (2012-11-07)
This issue features Red Glare XII and arrived just in time for Red Glare XIII. The issue is dedicated to Neil's mom, Nancy A. McGilvray, who passed away earlier this year. My thoughts ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2013-01 (2013-04-13)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD - MDRA (Red Glare XIV) Weather: 50's, mostly sunny, wind 5-10 Total flights: Today - 5; YTD - 5 Total motors: Today - 5; YTD - 5 Motors by class ... [Read More]
1TB of free photo storage? It's a well crafted marketing trick. (2013-05-21)
The limit was either a remnant of the old Flickr or was summarily droppled. Hooray! When I first saw that Flickr was giving me 1TB of free storage, I got excited and immediately started ... [Read More]
ROCKETS Magazine, Volume 7 Issue 6 (2013-10-23)
Nice issue! Most of the contents are self evident from the cover photo. There are two simple but useful 'how-to's: removing stuck liner (been there, done that) and making straight tube ends. In ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2013-10 (2013-11-16)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD (MDRA ESL-186) Weather: overcast with low ceiling; temperature in lower 50's, wind 0 - 3 Total flights: Today - 8; YTD - 71 Total motors: Today - 24; YTD ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2013-11 (air and water) (2013-12-19)
Location: Da 'hood Weather: sunny, wind 0mph, temperature an unseasonable 50 Total flights: Today - 14; YTD - 71 Total motors: Today - 0; YTD - 90 Motors by class YTD: Water-4, Air-15, MMX-3, A-10, ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2014-3 (2014-04-11)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( Red Glare XVI ) Weather: 75 degrees max, partly cloudy and dry, wind 5-10 Total flights: Today - 6; YTD - 15 Total motors: Today - 10; YTD - 19 Motors by class YTD: ... [Read More]
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