Ray "AcroRay" Miller's Page

AKA: AcroRay

Location: Uniontown, PA

Club Memberships: Tripoli Pittsburgh

Favorite Rockets: Custom's "Ion Pulsar" & Quest's "Striker AGM"


BAR after about a 28 year absence from rocketry.  I'm primarily a kit builder, matey, so I obsess over makin' me rockets look as pretty as possible.

Club Home Page: http://www.tripoli-pgh.org/

RocketReviews.com Pages:



X-30 National Aerospace Plane


Another shallow arc into t' wind, but stable and very aeroplane-like! Late chute depolyment. Avast! Bad motor? Fine recovery. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, arrr, Uniontown, PA [More]


X-30 National Aerospace Plane


Cleared rod and arced into t' wind in a tight spiral. Avast! Ejection popped t' friction-fit motor & NC, me bucko, but nay t' 24" chute. Shallow glide t' t' ground, resultin' in dented front o' body. Can fly again. Arrr! - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, arrr, PA [More]


X-30 National Aerospace Plane


Good flight, straight up, good chute deployment. Ahoy! (A 24", rather than t' two 12" t' kit is supplied with). Ahoy! Motor clip torn almost completely out: common problem.  Only good flight o' this bird. Arrr! - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, me bucko, Uniontown, PA [More]




Straight, me bucko, good flight.  Used a long streamer because I've seen others o' this float away.  Came down hard on t' tail, and broke a fin. Can be repaired. Ahoy! - A8-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, arrr, PA [More]


U.S.A. E2X


Nice, straight flight. Aye aye! Forgot t' repack t' chute after storage, shiver me timbers, and recovered tail-down undamaged via chutewad. Ya scallywag! - B6-4 [More]


Striker AGM


Again, it arced into t' wind, and didn't quite make t' altitude it should have.  Safe recovery. Aye aye! - C6-5 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]



Rockets by Manufacturer / Estes


Alpha III at Tripoli Launch



Alpha III


High, straight flight.  Streamer deployment after apogee.  Safe recovery.  Classic performance! - B6-4 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]


Long March Three


Nice flight.  Straight up.  Chute after apogee.  Drifted into tall weeds and brush. Blimey! Current status: Lost. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, ya bilge rat, Uniontown, me hearties, PA [More]


Long March Three


Nice flight.  Straight up.  Chute after apogee.  Safe recovery. - B6-4 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, arrr, Uniontown, PA [More]


Striker AGM


Significant weathercock into t' wind.  Expended a lot o' flight distance in a shallow ark.  Chute well past apogee.  Safe recovery. Ahoy! - C6-5 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, ya bilge rat, Uniontown, PA [More]


Ray "AcroRay" Miller