Rocketry Product: Quest - Raptor {Kit} (3011)
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 1, Parts (2013-05-03)
I'm building a few of the discontinued Quest kits while they are still available from vendors. The Shrox kits and this great Raptor design are no longer being produced. The parts were standard ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 2, Shroud and Engine Mount (2013-05-04)
The instructions called the shroud a boat tail, but it's more like a nozzle. The provided single shroud was on a much thinner stock, maybe 65 lb. I prefer a thicker stock. The shroud (Part P) was ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 3, Shroud and Engine Mount (2013-05-05)
While you could make the mount as shown in the instructions, this is an easier way to assemble it. Allowances are made for the engine hook movement. It would be hard to slide the nozzle (shroud) and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 4, Nose Cone Prep (2013-05-06)
The main nose cone seam was easily sanded smooth. The two smaller nose cone seams required some filling. Enlarge the picture. The nose cone at the upper left is how it came from the factory. The ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 5, Seam Filling (2013-05-07)
On the black tank, I'm filling the joint between the nose cones and body tube with CWF. The tip of an old knife blade is dipped in thinned CWF and dragged down the seam. This keeps the CWF ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 6, Balsa Filling (2013-05-07)
I'll be filling the balsa grain before gluing the two piece fins together. There isn't a good way to fill this much balsa after the fins are glued to the body. The 3/32" stock really warped after ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 7, Fin Primer and Gluing (2013-05-08)
The fin pieces will get a primer coat off the model. The gluing edges were taped off to leave naked balsa for a better gluing area. Here's how the pieces were taped flat for grey primer ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 8, Pad Tab Filling (2013-05-09)
Check to be sure the pads are square as the glue is drying. The pad joints were filled with thinned CWF. I used a razor blade to "glide" the excess CWF off the pad. Don't press the blade ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 10, Black Nozzle Prep (2013-05-10)
The black parts got primer and were sanded smooth. You don't really need a white undercoat when the assembly pieces are black. A white undercoat helps brighten any lighter or "transparent" color. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 9, Black Parts Prep (2013-05-10)
Here's the under belly "tank" after the seam was filled and the primer sanded. I've taped off a gluing strip down the length of the tube. This tank will be sprayed black before gluing onto the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 11, Fin Gluing (2013-05-11)
The black under body "tank" was sprayed black. There was no way to hold on to this piece so it was shot the forward half first, the back half held by my left hand. After that side dried, it was ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 12, Fin Gluing (2013-05-12)
Here's the position of the tank against the main airframe tube. The nose cone tip is even with the rear of the body tube. A pencil line has been drawn. Before spraying tape will be applied where ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 13, Fillets and Masking (2013-05-13)
The fins on this model sweep forward. It's tough to get glue into the leading edge joint on the smaller fins. I applied a small drop to the stick of a Q-Tip. The drop was set into the joint. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 14, Black Mask (2013-05-14)
Normally you would paint the body the lighter color then mask and follow with the darker second color. I'll be painting the main body silver, or aluminum which I prefer. TIP: Laying masking ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 15, Aluminum Mask (2013-05-15)
This is the tail section masked and ready for the aluminum paint. The instructions say to use silver paint. Silver is certainly shinier but quickly shows fingerprints. The aluminum covers easily and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 16, Red Trim (2013-05-15)
You could mask again and paint the red pads. But to be honest, I've done enough masking on this one! I'll use Monokote trim to cover the pads. As long as the surface is smooth the Monokote will be ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 17, Assembly (2013-05-18)
This model was painted before gluing on the fin unit and tank assemblies. You don't have a pencil line to glue onto and it's hard to see the masked glue area of exposed tubing. Strips of masking ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 18, Assembly (2013-05-18)
This shows the tube masks used for a better glue bond. The tape strips are used for alignment, an extension outside of the tube masks. Keep the masking alignment strips towards the outside and away ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 19 Decals (2013-05-19)
Be very careful when cutting out the decals! There is some white type that is almost invisible against the white backing paper. Maybe that's why some kit decals are printed on a blue backing sheet. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 20 Nose Cone Canopy Decal (2013-05-20)
All the decals had a clear overcoat except for the canopy decal. When put in the water, this decal would separate into eight separate pieces! I thought the decal was too large anyway so I cut out a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Part 21 Loose Ends (2013-05-20)
The shock cord was tied to the nose cone shoulder lug with a Duncan Loop knot. See the knot instructions HERE This is my favorite knot for tying a shock cord to a screw eye or lug. Both of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest Raptor Build Finished (2013-05-21)
What a sharp design! It's a bigger than you might think, almost as big as the Quest Aerospace One. Thanks to Scott (Rokitflite on YORF) for the great design. I agree with JeffyJeep on TRF, you ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The Big Fix - Quest Raptor Decal Replacement (2013-07-14)
Here's how the Raptor looked right after the build and before the "no ejection" flight. I had to replace 4" of crunched body tube and the name decal. I checked some free font websites but ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Age Recomendation Raised on Quest Kits (2013-04-14)
I found this white sticker over the original hang topper on the Quest Raptor kit. The age recommendation went up from 10 to 14 years. "Direct Adult Supervision" for building and flying is now age ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The Big Fix - Raptor Body Tube Replacement (2013-06-25)
I have three models due for a big fix. The Quest Raptor was launched on June 1, 2013 with an Estes B6-4. Boost was great but there was no ejection charge. The model nosed in and landed on the gravel ... [Read More]
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