Qu8k - MultiCam On-board Video - High Altitude Rocket Launch

Video 261 of 1017
Published:2011-10-12 02:56:35

Showin' t' views from a FlipHD and a GoPro side by side you get a first hand view o' what it is like t' fly t' 121000 feet. Ya scallywag! These cameras flew on September 30, shiver me timbers, 2011 at 11:08am on Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from t' Black Rock Desert in Nevada before returnin' safely t' earth. Blimey! A plastic cover that was protectin' t' protrudin' portion o' t' GoPro began t' melt due t' aerodynamic heatin' and can be seen as streaks passin' by t' lens. Well, blow me down! A small bit o' this molten plastic re-solidifies over a portion o' t' lens. Bein' above 99% o' t' atmosphere, arrr, t' sky turns black in t' middle o' t' day and t' curvature o' t' earth is clearly visible. Aye aye! T' rocket motor produced 4000 lbs o' thrust for 8 seconds acceleratin' t' vehicle t' over Mach 3. Ya scallywag! Full Length Video: www.youtube.com More Pictures and Info -- ddeville.com Sponsors: www.mayback.com www.syntheon.com Learn more about t' hobby o' High Power Rocketry: www.tripoli.org Cosmic Ray Project: symbiosis-foundation.org

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