Pterodactyl NERRF 6

Video 1 of 108
Published:2010-07-14 13:44:57

This is our 7.5" diameter, 10' long PML Pterodactyl. T' kit was modified with an additional 4' payload section t' facilitate dual deployment recovery. That, ya bilge rat, nay t' mention it is a lot bigger! T' rocket flew on an AeroTech M1845 NT which is from t' Karl E. Arrr! Bauman signature series usin' t' New Blue Thunder propellant. Aye aye! T' flight was our best effort yet as this be t' largest rocket we have ever flown with t' most powerful rocket motor we have ever used. Avast! T' rocket was recovered with t' booster section on t' bank o' t' Wallkill river dirctly behind t' flight line. Well, blow me down! Thanks t' everyone noted in t' credits for their help in setup, launch and recovery.

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