Flight Log - 2011-12-10 - Preston Hoover's Snooper

Futuristic model that has springs in the landing gear.  Also it is tall and looks cool.  Mine is red.

Flight Date: 2011-12-10
Rocket Name: Snooper
Kit Name: Qmodeling - SNOOPER
Flyer's Name: Preston Hoover
Expected Altitude: 450 Feet
Wind Speed: 15.00 mph
Launch Site: Clegg Sod Farm, Bunnell, FL
Actual Altitude: 300 Feet

Choose your motors wisely so this does not happen to you.  The Snooper launched nicely, but did not gain much altitude, so the old five second delay, caused the chute not to open. So the rocket went into the field at the ballistic rate of gravity.   32ft/sec/sec.  The nose cone was into the ground and had to be dug out!  The rocket was critically wounded.  Two damaged tubes and three busted fins.  Not to worry it can and will be repaired.  Hey that is what we do right?  so here are a few pictures. 

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