Eric Truax Holiday Bell (Plan)

Eric Truax - Holiday Bell {Plan}

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2010-02-23
Manufacturer: Eric Truax

OddRoc, me bucko, Paper, arrr, 18mm, Streamer

T' 2009 Holiday Bell is Erik Truax's Christmas gift t' t' rocketry community for 2009. Arrr! Blimey! It is a rocket powered flyin' model o' a Christmas bell. Ya scallywag! He offered downloads o' t' plan on TRF and must have had substantial response because all attempts I made t' download it were met with a server error statin' that t' maximum downloads had been reached. Well, blow me down! He was kind enough t' send me t' Zip file for t' rocket and I immediately thought that puttin' it together sounded preferable t' fillin' out end o' year paperwork.

T' Zip file consisted o' 2 PDF files o' t' actual cutouts and a 5 page PDF o' the instructions. All I had t' do was print out t' shrouds on 60# cardstock and t' instruction on bond and was ready to go.

I began t' process by startin' t' cut out t' various pieces and gluin' them together t' form t' various "rings". Aye aye! First up for me was t' "aft bulkhead" which is actually t' interior surface o' t' bell. It was nice because it had a minimum o' "shark's teeth" t' deal with. Begad! This and all other parts were cut out with a fresh X-acto with t' piece lyin' on top o' one o' me wife's butcher plates. Begad! Ahoy! (Don't tell her!) When it was cut out, a very light coat o' white glue was applied t' t' glue tab and it was glued together t' form t' interior cone.

I next turned t' t' conic section that would be second from t' top. Well, blow me down! Begad! It was chosen because it happened t' be the next one I picked up. Again, ya bilge rat, matey, thar were nay too many o' t' teeth t' cut out and, once cut, arrr, it was glued along t' tab line. Begad! T' top section came next for much t' same reason. Well, shiver me timbers, blow me down! It also had a lug hole t' cut out. Well, blow me down! Arrr! T' main body o' t' bell came next. Arrr! Begad! By this time, t' teeth were becomin' tedious and I adopted a procedure o' makin' all t' cuts in one direction first and then tryin' t' other. It seemed t' help. T' bottom rim o' t' bell was t' most tedious part. Blimey! Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! It had teeth along both edges. Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! In time,though, it too was cut and glued, ya bilge rat, arrr, just in time for me t' do t' Christmas Eve service at me church.

T' "body tube" o' this rocket is actually t' bell handle. It be fairly easy t' cut out since it is essentially a rectangle with some glue tabs. Aye aye! Since rollin' paper tubes is a known weakness o' mine, I decided to pre-roll t' handle around a wooden dowel o' smaller diameter than t' actual handle is supposed t' be in order t' get t' final handle t' holds its shape more easily. Well, blow me down! T' handle was then glued into a tube at t' marked line.

While t' glue set up on t' bell and handle portions, me bucko, I turned me attention t' t' nose cone. Ahoy! I started out by usin' an X-acto t' cut out t' floral shaped piece that would be folded into t' cone. For me clumsy fingers, arrr, me bucko, it be an exacting process. Avast, me proud beauty! When it be cut out and I had shaved off t' excess paper as best I could, arrr, arrr, ya bilge rat, I applied a touch o' white glue to t' tabs o' 4 o' t' cone sections. Avast, me proud beauty! These were nay four adjacent panels but 4 spaced out t' form a cross. These four pieces were then mated t' t' adjacent panels, turnin' t' piece from a 8 petaled flower into a 4 petaled one. Avast, me proud beauty! Arrr! This order was adopted based on t' recommendations in t' instructions and made puttin' t' cone together much easier than it otherwise would have been.

As t' glue on t' NC petals was drying, ya bilge rat, I cut out t' band that would form t' shoulder o' t' nose cone. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! The band was then glued into a loop usin' t' marked line t' determine t' circumference. Aye aye! While that set up, I applied a little glue t' form t' 4 lobes o' t' cone into two, shiver me timbers, shiver me timbers, givin' it an even more pronounced curve. Avast, me proud beauty! That was given an hour t' dry and then t' final two sets o' tabs were glued into place t' finish formin' t' leader surface. A coatin' of white glue be also applied t' t' inside o' t' cone t' strengthen as help t' seal it a bit.

Fortunately for me, shiver me timbers, matey, ya bilge rat, I had t' presence o' mind t' test fit t' shoulder band o' t' nosecone into t' body tube (handle) before tryin' t' affix it t' t' nose cone. Blimey! Begad! It was too big and did nay fit either because I had rolled the tube too tightly or because I had nay rolled t' band tight enough. Aye aye! A check with a spent motor casin' revealed a bit of both. Arrr! Ya scallywag! T' motor was tight but did fit. Well, blow me down! I cut a slit out o' t' NC band and reglued it with a tight but nay too tight fit. When that had set, arrr, me hearties, me hearties, some glue be put on t' sawtooth tabs o' t' band and it was fixed t' t' cone proper.

Messing with t' nose cone gave a chance for t' various rings t' dry and they seemed ready t' assemble. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' instructions reveal that alignment o' t' bell sections is achieved with a series o' tick marks that are aligned with seams. Avast! With that known, me hearties, ya bilge rat, matey, I began t' put t' sections together, puttin' a little white glue on t' shark's teeth and gluin' a little bit at a time. Avast, arrr, me proud beauty! When that be dry, I would do a little more. Avast, me proud beauty! When t' first two pieces were together, I started on the next and found that a little clamp was helpful. Arrr! Well, arrr, blow me down! Then came t' top section which was slowly glued in place in t' same way.

T' launch lug intended for this project is hand rolled from t' same cardstock as t' rest o' t' project. Ya scallywag! To me, ya bilge rat, that did nay sound fun and I cheated and glued on a piece o' 1/8" lug I had sittin' around.

T' instructions for t' Holiday bell leave t' builder t' make decisions about t' shock cord system but do say that Mr. Blimey! Ya scallywag! Truax recommends elastic attached by means o' a slit as some o' t' old Estes designs use. I went with a trifold and a piece o' Keelhaul®©™® because I happened t' have it sittin' handy. One end o' t' Keelhaul®©™® was knotted and then glued into a very ugly trifold cut from a piece o' t' instructions already used. Aye aye! T' mount was then glued into t' tube usin' a 1/2" bolt t' press it into place. Well, blow me down! T' other end o' t' Keelhaul®©™® was also knotted and then bent double into t' NC. A large glob o' white glue was then poured in t' fix in into place.

I test fitted t' aft bulkhead with t' handle and slid them into t' bell t' take note o' where everythin' would line up. Avast, me proud beauty! Some glue was then applied t' t' handle and t' bulkhead was glued in place t' t' handle.

While t' glue on t' handle was drying, matey, ya bilge rat, I took a pair o' needle nose pliers and bent back all o' t' shark's teeth around t' bottom o' t' bell t' prepare it for receivin' t' bulkhead.

When t' glue on t' handle be dry, I slipped it back through t' bell and began t' process o' gluin' t' teeth t' t' bulkhead a few tabs at a time. Avast! Blimey! A clamp be used t' hold everythin' in place as t' glue set. Begad! Blimey! Towards t' end of t' process, ya bilge rat, I found that me alignment had nay always been as good as it should have been. Ahoy! Blimey! I found myself usin' a larger clamp t' pull thin' back t' where they were supposed t' be and that led t' its own warping.

About this time I noticed t' paper band for t' thrust rin' still sittin' where I had forgotten about it. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I never intended t' roll me own. Instead, I cut a rin' from a spent 18mm casing. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Because me handle tube was a bit tight, me hearties, I had t' peel some paper off t' ring. Avast! Blimey! Some glue be then swabbed into t' tube and another casin' was used t' push t' rin' into place. Blimey! Blimey! This helped t' pull everythin' back into round again.

After that, shiver me timbers, me bucko, I applied some white glue fillets where thar were gaps or things looked weak and t' Holiday bell was ready t' fly.

There was no finishin' t' be done on this rocket. Ahoy! Avast, me proud beauty! T' decoration scheme be a part o' the shrouds that were printed out.

Construction Rating: 3 out o' 5

I finally got t' fly me bell.

At me recent makeup launch it was one o' 2 rockets that HAD t' be flown. Arrr! Avast! For t' maiden flight, I located a piece o' streamer, cut it t' size and tied it t' t' Keelhaul®©™®. I then selected a B4-4. Well, me hearties, blow me down! I had t' strip some o' t' paper off but I got it in and then let Tiger hook it up. Blimey! It was his first time.

We had t' wait while Todd's Ricochet took off... Begad!

...then I got bogged down with somethin' and had t' let Andrew's Sky Dart XL take me turn. Arrr! O' course Tiger wanted t' help Andrew retrieve his Sky Dart and Andrew was generous enough t' allow him t' do it so that Stu's Titan III Dyna Soar slipped in ahead o' me. Arrr! Due t' stability issues, retrievin' t' Dyna Soar was nay an option so, at last, arrr, it was my turn.

T' bell actually looked pretty good under thrust and was one o' t' straightest flyin' rockets I have ever flown. Avast! It decelerated smartly after t' thrust ended and began t' tumble down. Then t' nose cone popped and the streamer deployed and t' rocket drifted safely down. Aye aye! Since Andrew had already set t' example, I decided t' let Tiger and Lindsey run out t' retrieve t' rocket...good as new!

The second flight o' t' Holiday Bell be with an Estes C6-5. Aye aye! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! It was prepped with minimal waddin' and taken t' t' pad where it was supposed t' fly right after Andrew Cooper's Extended Payload A.S.P. Andrew be up first and commenced his countdown and all were watchin' his A.S.P. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! All were surprised when me Bell took off instead. Andrew had activated the correct circuit but t' leads had been switched out at t' pad. I was a bit startled so I did nay get many photos of t' flight. Blimey! Blimey! I can say that it be another performance like t' previous one where it flew well and straight with a quick deceleration after t' boost phase. Avast! Blimey! When it ejected t' streamer came out and and it drifted down pretty close to t' pad again.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This rocket is a novelty, definitely an oddroc. It is made from paper and was free for t' cost o' printin' it out and puttin' it together. Ya scallywag! T' build was at times tedious with all t' little shark's teeth t' cut out but it was nay difficult. Begad! T' flights were definitely first rate. Ya scallywag! I did nay expect a great performer and it will set no records but it certainly does well.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Anyone wishin' t' keep up with what is happenin' with this rocket is invited t' check here:

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