| Chicken Hawk Flight 1 (2011-06-26)      First Flight of the Chicken Hawk, on D12-3. Entry for EMRR 2009 Design this Spaceship Contest.
 | Isis Flight 2 (2011-11-19)      Loc Isis on a DPS J-426 SRB propellant. No recovery deployment due to electronics failure. I think there was a power disconnect mid-flight.
 | Nike Hercules on-board video (2011-08-07)      2 stage Nike Hercules. 4 x f32 motors in booster. 1 F39 in sustainer. Only two of the F32 motors lit. The rocket cocked sideways, came in ballistic. The staging worked. Heavy damage.
 | Parallel Staged rocket - onboard video (2011-06-15)      PCR rocket, parallel staged. D12-7, 2 C6-0s, boostervision camera. Ground video, onboard video, onboard at 25% speed.
 | Quest Astra III vidroc (2012-01-24)      Testing keychain dvr taped to a Quest Astra III, flying on an Estes B4-4
 | Semroc Magnum Hornet (2011-06-25)      First three flights, B6-4,B6-4,A8-3
 | Semroc Tau Zero (2011-08-21)      First three flights, B6-4,A8-3,A8-3
 | Tube Rocket Onboard video NSL 2008 H97-J (2011-12-31)      Onboard video NSL 2008 H97-J
 | X-15 flight one (2011-06-28)      X-15 plastic model conversion rocket on an A10-3T motor.