| Darkstar I211.avi (2011-11-24)      Jim Hendricksen launches his Darkstar on an I211!
 | DSCF4352.AVI (2011-09-09)      My L3 flight in Orangeburg, SC..I am not the greatest in taking videos, in fact, I SUCK..I did get the take off and some of it in flight, but, most of the 3 minute video is of the blue sky..There are a couple of profanities at the end when the main charge goes off and there is separation of the parts resulting in a failure for the certification flight..Luckily the rocket isn't damaged too much and will be ready to fly again soon..That is, as soon as I get the money for another 'M' motor and get my altimeters fixed..
 | DSCF4599 (2011-09-16)      |
 | FNFFlight (2011-07-13)      Key chain video on a Fliskits Frick'N'Frack rocket..
 | Trois Duex Crash.avi (2011-11-19)      Trois Duex flight..Nice up, bad down part. :(
 | Trois Duex Flight (2011-09-24)      Trios Duex(Triple Deuce) going up on 5/16/10 at Orangeburg, SC on 2xA10-PT, 2xC6-5(Quest) and 2xD12-5 motors...Battery ran out prior to landing. Landed on field about 15 feet from some evil rocket eating trees! Spectacular flight!
 | Upscale Goblin on Maiden flight (2011-09-24)      May 15th Orangeburg, SC. Rocket built by Tom Binford. Flew on a K700 and 'stuck' the landing! Yeah I have a crappy video camera, it's a still cam with video as an afterthought with a fixed focal range in video mode, and my video taking skill isn't all that great either..Oh well, was a great flight anyway! :)