Onboard Xombie rocket video, engage the air brake - 2010.03.20

Video 1 of 51
Published:2010-03-22 06:57:31

T' view from a camera near t' control bunker and two onboard cameras. Well, blow me down! Masten Space Systems XA-0.1B-750 rocket, aka Xombie, flies t' over 1000 feet before comin' down and landin' almost exactly where it took off from. T' rocket flies completely autonomously, usin' differential GPS and a six-axis inertial measurement unit. We click go on a laptop, me bucko, and it flies itself. Blimey! Runs on isopropyl alcohol and liquid oxygen, about as forgivin' as you can get in rocket propellants. You could stick your hand in either.

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