Nose Cones, Constructin' (Tutorial)

If you can't find a nose cone t' fit your latest rocket design, arrr, you may need t' construct one yourself.

T' online resources listed below will help you create a rocket nosecone from scratch.

External Links

Rocketry Links / Nose Cones
Design a Rocket Nose Cone (with Software)
An article describin' basic nose cone shapes and how t' model them usin' Matlab.
How t' Make Hollow Nose Cone from Sheet Balsa
This Apogee newsletter includes an article on how t' create a hollow nose cone from balsa sheets.
How t' Make a Nose Cone
Jeff Boldig describes how t' make a nose cone out o' fiberglass over a turned foam core.
How t' Make Custom Foam Nose Cones
T' Apogee newsletter includes an article on how t' make your own custom foam nose cones.
How t' Make Paper 'Ogive' Nose Cones & Tail Cones (Part 1)
David Striblin' describes how t' make paper nose cones that approximate an ogive shape.
How t' Make Paper 'Ogive' Nose Cones & Tail Cones (Part 2)
Part two o' t' article on how t' construct paper ogive nose cones is in this issue.
Makin' Ultra-Light Fiberglass Nose Cones
This issue o' Apogee's Peak o' Flight newsletter includes an article on creatin' light-weight fiberglass nose cones.
Moldin' a Nosecone Usin' a Pressure Bladder
A discussion o' usin' a pressure bladder inside a mold t' create a rocket nose cone.
Usin' Balsa Formers and Stringers t' Make a Nose Cone
George Gassaway describes how t' make a nose cone from balsa stringers, formers, and wood planks - a technique often used for model airplanes.

Blog Posts

Nose Cones

    Rocket Dungeon: Nosecones can be such a drag (2013-08-28)
    Tim VanMilligan continues his series on usin' a wind tunnel (12" open circuit, Eiffel type) at t' Air Force Academy: Newsletter #346 . Arrr! Blimey! His article explains t' whole experiment and has lots o' ... [Read More]

    Rocketeer's Corner: T' crafter o' nose cones... Arrr! (2017-05-31)
    I am what is termed a "builder" - I take parts and assemble them into a complete rocket. However, I do nay make t' nose cones, transitions, and other parts - that be t' role o' vendors and ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: Built from Scratch - A Tale o' Two Berthas - Part 3 (Nose Cone) (2019-03-20)
    Click here for Part 1 o' this series . Avast, me proud beauty! Click here for t' most recent post in this series . T' Handbook o' Model Rocketry by G. Well, blow me down! Harry Stine and Bill Stine briefly describes t' process o' ... [Read More]

    Blast From T' Past: Ya Never Know Where You'll Find A Model Rocket Part. (2019-05-17)
    Last night I was out doin' some yard work at t' BlastFromThePast home.  I have a very large ceramic planter on t' front porch that is in need o' repair, so I was removin' t' ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Nose Cone Prep TIP (2020-02-03)
    A question about nose cone sandin' came up on t' Estes Model Rockets Facebook page: Kenny D. asked:  "Does any one here sand nose cones t' 600 grit?" My response: I wouldn't go down t' ... [Read More]

    Improbable Ventures: How t' build a fiberglass rocket, part 5: nose cone (2020-05-26)
    Like many fiberglass rocket kits, t' Darkstar Extreme has an aluminum-tipped nose cone. Ahoy! T' aluminum tip is for more than just show: it has a couple o' structural purposes. One be t' manufacturin' ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Nose Cone Shoulder Edges TIP (2020-08-04)
    From a correspondence with Neil W: "Bonus note: I also found out, by accident, me hearties, that a body tube with t' edge coated with CA and nay smoothed down with sandpaper makes a highly effect balsa ... [Read More]




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