Model Rocket Building: NAR Member Record! (2015-07-22)NAR President Ted Cochran posted this on the NAR Facebook page yesterday. I've been in the NAR off and on since the early 1970s. My NAR number is an old one, 19806 SR. If you re-join after ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NAR Membership Renewal (2017-03-03)I got my new NAR membership card in the mail this last week. This is the cover letter that comes with the card. Here's my new card. If your membership has lapsed a few years you can ask for your old ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Some NAR Business Notes - Membership, Dues, Etc. (2021-01-31)Today at Virtual NARCON, the National Association of Rocketry held an open Town Hall Meeting led by NAR president John Hochheimer, to discuss the State of the NAR. Briefly, ... [Read More]