NASA Last Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch 7/8/11

Video 74 of 92
Published:2011-07-23 17:25:23

READ THE DESCRIPTION PLEASE. Avast! Before you go complainin' about t' quality, I was too busy watchin' it myself t' care about what t' camera be getting. besides I couldn't make out what be on t' screen t' know if I was in focus or not. but on t' trip we actually ventured up t' port canaveral and all kinds o' coolness. Avast, me proud beauty! -Commentin' Rules- 1. be appropriate please. Avast! 2. Ahoy! be relevant. 3. If someone goes all trollin' bro I'll disallow comments. 4. also check if your comment/question has been answered in me Q&A below. Q&A Q: What beach? A: I want t' say it was called pleasant beach or somethin' but it was somewhere betwixt Melbourne and Cocoa. We were by t' air force base so planes came across all day, it was really cool. Avast! Q: It looks a little darker than on TV. Begad! What color be t' jet in real life? A: Basically it looks like a ball o' dark orange fire goin' into t' sky. It looks nothin' like t' bright yellow jet you see on TV. Q: Could you feel it/hear it from where you were? A: No, I couldn't. But I saw it go t' space, and seein' is believing. Ya scallywag! I cried. Ahoy! It was very powerful t' me. Avast! Q: Why couldn't t' space shuttle get wet? A: It's so cold high in t' atmosphere that t' tiles that protect t' shuttle on reentry would crack. Feel free t' ask questions! Random Fun Fact Narrative Thin' When I be on a field trip t' t' Huntsville space center place, I got t' put me hand on t' back o' one o' those tiles they use t' protect t' shuttle on reentry. Begad! I put me hand on t' back o' it and ...

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