Model Rocket Launch - Onboard Video Camera

Video 202 of 1017
Published:2010-04-13 15:36:56

T' followin' is video taken from a camera onboard a model rocket. Arrr! T' launch took place durin' an "Intro t' t' Nebraska Student Satellite Program / Model Rocket Workshop" given at Little Priest Tribal College in Winnebago Nebraska on April 10 2010 (although t' date stamp on t' video says differently). T' workshop was sponsored by t' NASA Nebraska Space Grant. Well, blow me down! T' onboard altimeter gave a readin' o' 919 feet for t' rocket, and a look on Google Maps indicate it drifted nearly a quarter o' a mile, landin' just 10 feet from a set o' railroad tracks. Avast, me proud beauty! It also seemed t' just barely miss two thick areas o' trees, and a small creek. Blimey! T' beepin' you hear is from an onboard sonic beacon, used t' aid in t' recovery o' t' rocket. Since t' camera be inverted durin' much o' t' flight, t' original images were upside-down. Blimey! These were flipped for t' video. This video is very erratic. For an easier-to-view option, be sure t' see t' "Onboard Camera Slide Show" video.

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