Daniel Draney's Star Wars: mini X-Wing Fighter (Red Squadron) - Estes (1810)
Length:6.0000 inches
Skill Level:1
Style:Futuristic/Exotic, RTF

X-Wing Fighter (Red Squadron) (Star Wars) - Estes (1810)

Red Squadron was an Alliance Starfighter Corps starfighter squadron active during the Galactic Civil War. Their unit specialties included starfighter dogfighting, convoy raids, convoy escort missions, planetary strafing and bombing runs, and capital ship harassments. Although Red Squadron primarily flew X-wings on their missions, they relied on the Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-wing starfighters for missions relating to heavy bombardment. The squadron most famously fought at the Battle of Yavin and Battle of Endor. By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Red Squadron was assigned by Alliance High Command to be a floating unit that could be reassigned at will, in large part because of a growing list of successes in anti-Imperial missions, and was also such that the Empire listed them, and especially the key personnel, Commander Arhul Narra and Lieutenant Wedge Antilles, as active threats in their official field manual.

Star Wars - X-Wing Fighter (Red Squadron) - Estes (1810).jpg

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