Mike Debreceni's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2012-08-11Cyclone Egg Lofter Flight This was me entry into our low-power club's egg loft duration competition. Ya scallywag! T' rules stipulated a D-powered rocket that did nay use parachute recovery (any other method was fine, includin' streamers, gliders, helicopters,etc)
My entry ascended briskly and smoothly, carryin' a large egg. ... [More]
2012-07-14Cobra 1500 Flight Graceful and straight vertical liftoff in light wind from t' east. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Prior t' launch, me hearties, t' rocket was bouncin' and swayin' on t' launch rod, especially from t' windy conditions. Arrr! Blimey! T' original design uses 3/16 inch launch lugs, but in retrospect, me hearties, a 3/16 launch rod is nay stiff enough. ... [More]
| Mike Debreceni |