Flight Log - 2012-11-02 - Mike Caplinger's x51lite

Started out as a semi-scale version of the X-51A Waverider, but evolved into a simple 3FNC with a 4-inch first stage with 54mm MMT and a dual-deploy 3-inch upper stage with a 38mm MMT.


Flight Date: 2012-11-02
Rocket Name: x51lite
Flyer's Name: Mike Caplinger
Motors: I218/2xH54
Expected Altitude: 5,400 Feet
Launch Site: Plaster City
Actual Altitude: 4,652 Feet

Both chutes tangled but rocket undamaged.  Successful President's Challenge complex flight!

1CTI 491I218-14A
22 x CTI 168H54-10A


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