Flight Log - 2018-08-09 - Matthew Bond's 18mm SuperRoc 001

Minimum diameter SuperRoc designed for NARAM 60.  22 inch booster stage, and multiple 18 inch extender sections.  One payload section modified to carry an Altus Metrum Micopeak altimeter in the coupler section.

Flight Date: 2018-08-09
Rocket Name: 18mm SuperRoc 001
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: C6-7
Launch Site: NARAM 60
Actual Altitude: 680 Feet

Prepped the rocket at the car, and then had to disassemble it at check in to show the altimeter.  Got everything put back together, was a little worried about some creasing around the top of the booster section, but at this point I wasn't going to start over with my other rocket so I took it to the pads.  Got a very nice straight boost out of the tower, stalled out at the top of the climb.  Booster and upper sections separated at ejection, but both parts recovered safely for a qualified flight.  Altus Metrum MicroPeak altimeter reported 207M, rocket checked in at 244cm (not quite the max of 250) for a total score of 50508.  Did not expect that I could do better, so I did not attempt a second flight.

1Estes C6-7


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