Flight Log - 2011-11-12 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Black Shadow "Blue Blazer"
Version 2.0 of the original upscale. Got 19 flights from the first one hope to do at least as well with this one. Upgrades for V2.0 include plywood fins (not basswood) and no thrust ring (not limited on motor size)
Flight Date: 2011-11-12
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Black Shadow "Blue Blazer"
Kit Name: Scratch - Upscale Black Shadow {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: F50-6
Expected Altitude: 1,665 Feet
Wind Speed: 6.00 mph
Launch Site: ROCstock XXXIV

First flight of the Blue Blazer, my new upscale Black Shadow.  Didn't have any motors built and I was feeling lazy so I bought a few AT single use rounds.  Had to cycle through a couple times, the igniter didn't light on the first try (I think the clips were grounded).  Reset the clips with the same igniter and it lit fine on the next try.  Nice quick boost, arcing into the wind.  Ejection seemed a bit early, definitely still climbing.  Good chute, modertate amount of drift, lakebed landing, no damage.  Had an Altimeter One on board, but it was shut down.  I think it exceeded the max time for launch detect and shut itself off.

1Aerotech F50T-6


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