Flight Log - 2013-02-02 - Matthew Bond's 1.36x Upscale Zack Attack "Big Zack"
Flight Date: 2013-02-02
Rocket Name: 1.36x Upscale Zack Attack "Big Zack"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: D12-5
Expected Altitude: 950 Feet
Wind Speed: 9.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS

First flight of the Big Zack in quite a while.  Nice straight boost, arcing intot he wind during the coast.  Still nose up, not quite done climbing at ejection.  Chute not prfectly deployed, but still drifted quite a bit.  Grass landing on the field, no damage.  Nose/paylaod section ejected through one of the shroud lines.

1Estes D12-5


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