Blast From The Past Posts
Other Rocketry / Toys / Lego
A Mash-up of Two Hobbies (2019-02-04)This week I celebrate my 21st birthday - the third one in a row. This past Saturday, family was over for the 'big birthday bash', and my youngest daughter and son-in-law presented me with this: ... [Read More]
Non-Flying Saturn V Completed (2019-02-19)Hi, All, As you might have guessed, the Protostar project has been on hold for awhile in favor of putting together the LEGO version of the Saturn V. OK... it is a model... and it is a rocket. ... [Read More]
Rocket Building Mobility (2020-09-16)Last weekend, a little time was spent in the BlastFromThePast shop in order to build a quick rocket building accessory: This is a small portable laptop 'workbench' made from a surplus cabinet shelf. ... [Read More]
A Productive Day In The Shop. (2023-01-25)As promised, I did manage to immerse myself into some rocketry projects yesterday. The first order of business was to facilitate repairs on a couple of birds that got busted up last fall. The first ... [Read More]