High Power Rocket. 54mm diameter Rocket Shred (2007-01-07)This is the flight of my 54mm rocket on a Aerotech K1100 Blue Thunder motor. The rocket shreds at Mach 1.5 [View]
"Pointless" High Power Rocket Launch- April 22, 2018 (2018-04-25)Launched at Midwest Blast 3 in Three Oaks MI. Golf ball for a nosecone. Eleven feet tall & 20 pounds. 6" to 4" to 3" to 1.6" Blue Tube body tubes. Two camcorders- one pointing up; one pointing ... [View]
2 Stage High Power Rocket 13,000 Feet K1100 to K820 (2020-02-10)Sustainer: Multitronix GPS Altitude 12,786 ft RRC2+ Altitude - 13,231 ft SLCF Altitude - 13,145 ft Max velocity - Mach 1.051 Peak Acceleration - 15.1 G Sustainer Ignition - 1653 ft Sustainer Burn ... [View]