Flight Log - 2012-01-14 - K Sonesen's Estes Super Neon XL (Tube Fin)

Tube fin rockets, what are you gonna do with them?  They're ugly and draggy but man, do they fly straight!

I resisted the urge to buy the Super Neon XL as long as I could but when the local hobby shop had a sale, my resolve faded.

BTW, tube fin rockets have no need for conventional mini-fins tacked on to the tubes. More drag...what were they thinking? My SNXL has none and I like it like that.  I used Testors Metallic Lime and Metallic Purple to basically follow the paint scheme on the kit cardboard.  The parachute has been upgraded to a fluorescent green Top Flight 24" chute and I added a 6"x6" flame-resistant blanket to protect my chute investment.  In typical tube fin fashion, this rocket flies straight up and even tail slides a bit after apogee until the chute deploys.

The kit instructions concerning how to mount the tube fins to the airframe are best disregarded.  Just lay the body tube down on a FLAT surface and attach the two opposite tube fins to the airframe.  Next glue the two tubes in the "valleys" created by the first two fins and the airframe. When the glue has dried, turn the assembly over and repeat the previous step with the remaining two tubes. This self-jigging assembly method should produce a well aligned rocket.

Flight Date: 2012-01-14
Rocket Name: Estes Super Neon XL (Tube Fin)
Kit Name: Estes - Super Neon XL {Kit} (002425) [?-2013]
Flyer's Name: K Sonesen
Motors: E20-7
Expected Altitude: 1,000 Feet
Wind Speed: 3.00 mph
Launch Site: SARG - Amoruso Field

This flight got off on the wrong foot right from the get-go.  I couldn't remember what size chute I'd been using, my chutes weren't properly marked as to size, I refolded the chute several times to get it to fit in the BT-60 tube...well, I should have known something was wrong.

The E20 is a great motor for the stock Estes Super Neon XL and the up part of this boost did not disappoint. 

The nosecone popped off at deployment but the chute was firmly wedged in the body tube.  LAKE STAKE!

The nose can and fin are undamaged. A coupler and new body tube should be able to make this bird fly again.

1Aerotech E20-7


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