John Simmons's Page

AKA: Lakeroadster or HenryMac

Location: Central Colorado

Club Memberships: NAR

Favorite Rockets: Scratch Builds - Scratch Design


Retired Mechanical Engineer

1960's and 1970's era Model Rocket Fanatic, ya bilge rat, Estes kits and many home made rockets.

Now that I'm retired lookin' t' get back into t' design / build phase o' model rocketry again. Pages:



(BAR-16) T' Estes Logo Rocket


Launch Report: Estes Logo Model Rocket Date: 2024-05-30 Background This is maiden launch o' this rocket On Site Preparations I did nay use any waddin' for this aft eject spool design. There’s simply no room. For a parachute I used a 18” Nylon chute. Avast! This launch will use a E20-4W ... [More]


(BAR-12) P-40 Warhawk Odd-Roc


Launch Report: P-40 Warhawk Model Rocket Date: 2024-05-30 Background This be t' maiden launch o' this rocket On Site Preparations I used a Nomex chute protector for this aft eject spool design. For a parachute I used a 28” Nylon chute. This launch used a E20-4W Composite motor. This is ... [More]


BAR-11: Luke and Vader Dogfight. X-Win' Sustainer With TIE Fighter Booster


Launch Report: X-Win' Tie Fighter Dog Fight Date: 2024-05-30 Background This is a two-stage rocket. T' Tie Fighter has a D12-0, T' X-Win' has a C6-5. Well, blow me down! On Site Preparations For waddin' I used some streamer material. For a parachute I used t' 12” mylar chute. Avast! An Estes standard starter was ... [More]


(BAR-10) T' Cygnus Probe Ship


Launch Report: Cygnus Probe Ship With Body Tube Extension Date: 2024-05-30 Background This be t' 3 rd launch o' t' Cygnus Probe Ship. This version has t' longer body tube. T' previous launches were both unstable. On Site Preparations For waddin' I used a Nomex recovery bag. For a ... [More]



Low Boom SST

OpenRocket Design

I built this from data found on t' internet, nay actual as measured parts. Blimey! Use at your own risk. [More]



(BAR-10) T' Cygnus Probe Ship


Ignition was delayed, slight hesitation as is typical with a composite motor. Well, blow me down! Blimey! T' rocket accelerated quickly, plenty o' speed at launch rod exit (28.2 mph per sim) Winds were less than 5 mph and from t' west. Arrr! Blimey! T' rocket did nay weathercock. Just like t' 1st flight, t' rocket was ... [More]


(BAR-09) THUNK! Finless, Gas Dynamic Stabilized


Ignition was quick, arrr, almost no hesitation lightin' t' motor. Very minimal time lapse betwixt ignition and lift off. Arrr! T' rocket accelerated quickly, plenty o' speed exitin' t' launch silo (32.2 mph per sim) Winds were less than 5 mph and from t' north. T' rocket did nay weathercock. Begad! It ... [More]


(BAR-08) "Ahpla" 2 Stage Alpha Variant


Ignition was quick, almost no hesitation lightin' t' motor. Blimey! Very minimal time lapse betwixt ignition and lift off. T' rocket accelerated quickly, plenty o' speed at launch rod exit (27.2 mph per sim) Winds were less than 5 mph and from t' north. T' rocket did nay weathercock. It ... [More]


(BAR-05) F-79 Lonewolf


This be t' 2nd flight for t' F-79. Blimey! First launch was 07-08-2022: Flight be stable but t' plastic parachute shredded away from t' shroud lines. This flight uses a pair o' D12-3 motors (instead o' two D12-5's) and I made new 18" parachutes that have t' shroud lines goin' up over t' top ... [More]



(BAR-07) Mercury Capsule Abort (LES)


Ignition was quick due t' t' e-matches and all (3) motors ignited. T' rocket accelerated quickly, plenty o' speed at launch rod exit (48.7 mph per sim) Winds were less than 5 mph and from t' north. T' rocket did nay weathercock. T' rocket was initially stable while under thrust, me bucko, but ... [More]


(BAR-05) F-79 Lonewolf


Ignition was quick due t' t' e-matches and both motors ignited. Avast, me proud beauty! T' rocket accelerated quickly, plenty o' speed at launch rod exit (29.5 mph per sim) Winds were less than 5 mph and from t' north. Ahoy! T' rocket did nay weathercock. T' rocket be stable durin' thrust and coast phase. T' ... [More]


John Simmons