| AlansRocketLDRS29_20100613.mov (2011-09-22)      Alan Holmes' rocket Wildman jr. at LDRS 29
 | BullPuppy20100508.mov (2011-09-27)      Bull Puppy launch on an I161 testing a Fake Lighter Video Camera: amzn.com All worked well, but the effective frame rate was 12 frames / second.
 | BullPuppyLDRSLaunch1_20100611B.mov (2011-05-31)      James Donald's Bull Puppy At LDRS 29 Launch 1/2 on 6/11/2010 Motor: I211W-14 Altitude 5000 ft
 | BullPuppyLDRSLaunch2_20100614B.mov (2011-09-22)      James Donald's Bull Puppy At LDRS 29 Launch 2/2 on 6/14/2010 Motor: I211W-14 Altitude 5000 ft
 | BullPuppyPad20100508.mov (2011-09-27)      My 3" Bull Puppy on an II61W at the Superstition Spacemodeling launch May 2010. www.sssrocketry.org
 | George's Rocket Launch 2 (2011-08-31)      George Catlen's Starfire Launch 2 At AHPRA November Launch, Rainbow Valley, AZ On an Aerotech I154J-11, Simulated at 4000 ft.
 | Gerald's 54mm L Rocket At Balls19 (2011-05-30)      Failure do to forward snap ring.
 | GeraldsNikeLDRS_20100614.mov (2011-09-22)      Gerald Meux's 10" Nike Smoke at LDRS 29 On-board camera CTI N1100 Altitude 10500ft 700fps 6g's
 | GeraldsNikePadCam1B.mov (2011-09-22)      Gerald Meux's LDRS 29 Pad Cam 1 10" Nike Smoke CTI N1100 Altitude 10500ft 700fps 6g's
 | GeraldsNikePadCam2B.mov (2011-09-22)      Gerald Meux's LDRS 29 Pad Cam 2 10" Nike Smoke CTI N1100 Altitude 10500ft 700fps 6g's
 | Hevous at Balls 19 (2011-07-08)      Launch of the Hevous Q motor rocket at Balls 19 by Hillbilly Rocketry . Hevous team - Darrel Burris, Robin Blackford, Don Alexander, Jimmy Hussey, Bob Heninger and Jim Hussey. Motor failure due to nozzle sap ring roll out.
 | Min Flight 1 (2011-08-19)      First flight of James Donald's rocket Min on a AT K1000T at Rainbow Valley AZ on April 24, 2011. Max altitude 9880 ft. Max airspeed 994 ft/sec (Mach 0.89). Max Acceleration 15G. Minimum diameter 3 in, 98.5 in long, 16.4 lbs, carbon fiber.
 | N10000 drag race at LDRS 29 (2011-05-29)      N10000 drag race at LDRS29 Pad Cam 2. Gerald Meux's rocket is the blue rocket on the right. Altitude 10557ft 1400fps
 | N10000D rag Race Cam 1B (2011-06-28)      N10000 drag race at LDRS29 Pad Cam 1. Gerald Meux's rocket is the blue rocket on the right. Altitude 10557ft 1400fps
 | N10000DragRaceCam3B.mov (2011-09-22)      N10000 drag race at LDRS29 Pad Cam 3. Gerald Meux's rocket is the blue rocket on the right off screen at start (sorry about that). Altitude 10557ft 1400fps
 | Superfluous Launch 5 - On-Board Video (2011-09-27)      On-board video from Superfluous on an M650W at Rainbow Valley, AZ Spring Blast 2010, April 25. Altitude 8100 ft, 660 ft/sec, 5.7 G peak acceleration, launch weight 45 lbs, length 123 in, diameter 5 in.
 | Superfluous Launch 5 - Pad Video (2011-09-27)      Pad video of Superfluous on an M650W at Rainbow Valley, AZ Spring Blast 2010, April 25. Altitude 8100 ft, 660 ft/sec, 5.7 G peak acceleration, launch weight 45 lbs, length 123 in, diameter 5 in.
 | Superfluous Launch 6 at LDRS 29 (2011-09-22)      Superfluous Launch 6 at LDRS 29 on 6/13/2010 Motor Aerotech N3300R Max Altitude 17764 ft G-Wiz, 17767 RRC2 Max Speed 1427 ft/sec (mach 1.3) Max Acceleration 16G Above Mach from 2.5 to 7.8 seconds after motion Small motor anomaly at 3.9 seconds after motion Flight Length 295 sec
 | Superfluous Launch 7 at Balls 19 on Sep. 25, 2010, 11:24. (2011-06-22)      Note CCW rotation above mach, CW rotation below. Altitude: 19200 ft, Max Airspeed: 1500 ft / sec - Mach 1.4, Max Accel. 12.4 Gs Recovered 4 miles NW of site with No Damage. Backup drogue charge did not fire. Rocket 122 in long, 5.1 in dia., 60.3 lbs loaded, fiberglass, G-Wiz HCX, Missile Works RRC2. Team Members / Project Contribution: Scott Hertel - Launch Controller Gerald Meux - Motor Hardware / Logistics James Donald - Rocket / Launch Pad
 | Superfluous Launch 8 at GHS 2010 (2011-05-30)      Superfluous Launch 8 at GHS 2010, Oct 24, Rainbow Valley, AZ CTI - M1300 Dual Thrust, CTI Igniter, Grains glued to liner per CTI instructions. 10100 ft, 865 ft/sec (mach 0.78), 13Gs, Flight time 283 sec.
 | SuperfluousLaunch6PadCam1B.mov (2011-09-22)      Superfluous Launch 6 at LDRS 29 on 6/13/2010 Motor Aerotech N3300R Max Altitude 17764 ft G-Wiz, 17767 RRC2 Max Speed 1427 ft/sec (mach 1.3) Max Acceleration 16G Above Mach from 2.5 to 7.8 seconds after motion Small motor anomaly at 3.9 seconds after motion Flight Length 295 sec