| 2008-05-10 NEFAR High-Speed Videos (2011-06-23)      High-speed (slow-motion) videos from the May, 2008, Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry launch.
 | 2008-05-10 NEFAR Onboard Video (2011-06-19)      Video from a camera flown on a J motor rocket at the May, 2008, NEFAR launch.
 | 2008-06-07 ROCK Launch High-Speed Videos (2011-07-02)      Videos from ROCK's June launch recorded in high-speed.
 | 2008-06-14 NEFAR - Big Daddy Akavish CATO (2011-07-02)      A CATO pops the head off the Big Daddy Akavish at the June, 2008, NEFAR launch.
 | 2008-07-10 ROCK Launch High-Speed Rocketry Video (2011-07-02)      The July 2008 ROCK launch captured in high-speed.
 | 2008-07-12 NEFAR Launch High-Speed Videos (2011-08-07)      A collection of high-speed videos from the July 12, 2008, NEFAR rocket launch.
 | 2008-08-02 ROCK Launch (2011-05-31)      ROCK's August 2008 launch shown in a series of high-speed videos.
 | 2008-10-04 Akavish Launch on a G77 Redline (Normal/Slow-motion) (2011-08-16)      Roger and Bracha Smith's "Akavish" is launched on an Aerotech G77 Redline motor at the October ROCK Launch. The launch is shown at normal speed then as recorded at 600 fps (20x slow-motion).
 | 2008-10-04 ROCK Launch High-Speed Video (2011-08-19)      Video of rocket launches from the October 4, 2008, ROCK launch. Includes high-speed footage.
 | 2008-11-08 Darrell Mobley's Crossbow (2011-05-29)      Darrell Mobley's Giant Leap Crossbow is launched on a sparky motor at the November, 2008, NEFAR rocket launch. Slow-motion.
 | 2008-11-08 NEFAR Mega Cereal Bowl (2011-07-02)      Marc Slabbinck's "Mega Cereal Bowl" is launched several times (and captured from multiple angles and in slow-motion) at the 2008 NEFAR "Bunnell Blast" launch.
 | 2009-01-17 - Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association Launch (2011-05-29)      High-speed (slow-motion) videos from the January, 2009, TTRA launch.
 | 2009-03-07 ROCK Launch (Onboard and High-Speed) (2011-06-25)      Video from the March, 2009, ROCK rocket launch in Oviedo, FL. Features slow-motion (high-speed) video and onboard video.
 | 2009-03-21 AstronMike's Gliders at the TTRA Launch (2011-05-29)      A montage of Mike's glider flights from the Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association's March, 2009, launch.
 | 2009-03-21 Big Daddy Akavish at TTRA Launch (2011-06-26)      Roger and Bracha's Big Daddy Akavish is launched on J327 and K327 motors at the TTRA launch in March, 2009. Includes high-speed and onboard footage.
 | 2010-04-03 - Delta IV Heavy Launch (2011-05-31)      Carl's Delta IV Heavy is launched at the ROCK launch in Oviedo, FL.
 | 2010-05-31 YouBee Ground Test (2011-06-03)      Ground testing of the ejection charges for the Upscale Break-Away rocket.
 | 2012-02-04 ROCK Launch (2012-02-11)      ROCK's February 2012 rocket launch. Over 70 people attended the launch including students from Mrs. Roberts's class at Princeton Elementary.
 | Big Daddy Akavish (2011-06-26)      Roger and Bracha's large Spider-themed rocket is launched on an I motor.
 | Bunnell Blast 2006 (2011-06-26)      Highlights of NEFAR's annual two-day launch.
 | Christmas Tree Rocket (2011-06-19)      |
 | Derek Deville's Black Dragon (2011-06-19)      Derek Deville's "Black Dragon" - a 26' tall, 375 lbs. rocket - is launched at the 2008 Florida Winternationals.
 | Dr. Zooch Saturn V Launch (High-Speed, Slow-Motion) (2012-04-17)      A Dr. Zooch Saturn V, built by Hans "Chris" Michielssen, is launched. I was recording the flight using my EX-F1 and didn't notice that the rocket was coming down right towards me. Chris managed a one-footed, one-handed save, catching the rocket and sparing me from ... uhh ... getting hit by slow-moving, light-weight rocket.
 | Ejection Charge (2011-06-19)      This video shows what happens inside a rocket when the ejection charge fires. Captured at 1200 frames-per-second, this high-speed video illustrates dramatically why you need recovery wadding (or some other system) to protect the rocket's parachute.
 | Estes Eagle CATO (2011-05-31)      An Estes motor CATO is captured at 1200 fps in this high-speed video.
 | Golden Scout Flight #1096 (2011-05-29)      High-speed video from Flight 1096 of the Golden Scout in celebration of 50 years of Model Rocketry.
 | Golden Scout Launch #1096 (Outtakes) (2011-05-29)      Bloopers from the filming of the Golden Scout video.
 | MFMC Rocketry Presentation (2012-01-24)      Roger and Bracha Smith showed this video as part of their presentation to the "Mid-Florida Mustang Club" about rocketry.
 | Odd'l Rockets PIPELINE Spinning Model Rocket (2011-09-28)      The Odd'l Rockets PIPELINE is a unique model rocket with canted tube fins.
 | Odd'l Rockets Sputnik (2011-06-19)      |
 | Omega Launch High-Speed Video (2011-06-19)      A clone of the Estes Omega is launched on a pair of D12 motors (slow-motion)
 | On-Board Video from the First Launch of the YouBee (2011-01-08) (2011-06-03)      The YouBee was launched on a K455 motor at the January, 2011, NEFAR launch. This high-definition video was recorded by a camera on-board the 12-foot tall rocket.
 | Robb Haskins's Patriot (High-Speed) (2011-07-02)      Robb Haskins's Patroit is launched on a sparky L motor at the NEFAR launch on July 12, 2008.
 | Rockets Gone Wild - NEFAR Launches (2011-06-25)      Weird and wacky flights - mostly from one NEFAR launch.
 | Spinning Rocket (2011-05-31)      Onboard video from an EZI-65 on an I366 motor. Rocket spins rapidly until the motor burns out.
 | Steve Pollak's Mars Lander (2011-06-19)      A little fun with a video of Steve Pollak's Upscale Mars Lander.
 | STS-127 Launch in High Speed (2011-06-19)      Video of the July 15, 2009, launch of the Space Shuttle featuring high-speed (300 fps) video taken with a Casio EX-F1 camera.
 | Sugar Motor Drag Race (CATO) (2011-07-02)      Jimmy Yawn and Marc Slabbinck drag race two sugar-motor rockets at the NEFAR launch on February 9, 2008.
 | Tikva Launch (2011-06-19)      Roger and Bracha Smith's "Tikva" is launched on a Gorilla Motors K555 motor at the Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association's January, 2009, launch. Includes slow-motion and on-board video.
 | YouBee First Flight (2011-01-08) (2011-06-03)      Roger Smith's Upscale Break Away (YouBee) is launched on an AMW Pro-X K455 motor at the January, 2011, NEFAR launch.