| Flight of a rocket "Black Sneer" with Aerotech J 350 WM on MIR 2010 (2011-06-28)      Certification Level 2 atempt by Adriano Arcadipane on "MIR 2010" in Italy, 11.07.2010., "Black Sneer" rocket, L=220cm, D=100mm, m=4200g, Aerotech RMS J 350 WM motor, total impulse 700Ns, apogee = 823m
 | Launch and crash of the rocket "Speedweiser" on MIR 2010 on Aerotech L 2200-G (2011-07-04)      "MIR 2010" in Italy, 11.07.2010., "Speedweiser" rocket, L=270cm, D=500mm, m=30 Kg, Aerotech L 2200-G motor, total impulse 5104Ns, apogee = 800m
 | Launch of "Blue Phenix" rocket with Aerotech H 148 RM rocket motor on MIR 2010 (2011-06-28)      "MIR 2010" in Italy, 10.07.2010., "Blue Phenix" rocket, L=165cm, D=75mm, m=1700g, Aerotech RMS H 148 RM motor, total impulse 220Ns, apogee = 600m
 | Launch of "Comandante Yoshimitsu" rocket with Aerotech J 415 W rocket motor on MIR 2010 (2011-09-08)      "MIR 2010" in Italy, 10.07.2010., "Comandante Yoshimitsu" rocket, L=305cm, D=100mm, m=6200g, Aerotech RMS J 415 W motor, total impulse 1280Ns, apogee = 900m
 | Launch of "JEMI" rocket with Aerotech F 27-4 R rocket motor on MIR 2010 (2011-07-13)      "MIR 2010" in Italy, 10.07.2010., "JEMI" rocket, L=102cm, D=67mm, m=730g, Aerotech RMS F 27-4 R motor, total impulse 50Ns, apogee = 283m
 | Launch of my scratchbuilt scale rocket "Nike Smoke" on MIR 2010 (built by Ivan Bonic) (2011-05-29)      This is flight of my scratchbuilt scale rocket "Nike Smoke", on "MIR 2010" rocketry meeting in Bologna, Italy, 11.07.2010., L=195cm, D=120mm, m=7920g, Aerotech RMS J 350 WM motor, total impulse 701Ns, expected apogee = 287m, The delay on this reload was too short, but my rocket was ok because it is very strong ( fiberglass and wood sandwiched fins, fiberglass reinforced paper body tube, full wood nose cone...) by Ivan Bonic from Croatia