| 2010-10-22, "Flying Colors" ejection charge ground test. (2011-09-04)      Ground test of the recovery system deployment by a 1 gram FFFF black powder ejection charge.
 | 2011-06-04, Tripoli Idaho Rocketry, Launch Montage (2011-07-05)      Chronological montage of some of the rockets at the 2011-06-04 Tripoli Idaho Rocketry launch with links to the original videos.
 | Aerotech Strong Arm (2011-06-24)      Launch of an Aerotech Strong Arm kit.
 | Anthony's Orange Rocket, first flight of two (2011-08-19)      |
 | Anthony's Orange Rocket, first flight of two, hand held camera (2011-08-19)      Anthony flew this rocket twice today. This is the first of the two launches.
 | Anthony's Orange Rocket, second flight (2011-08-19)      Anthony flew this rocket twice today. This is the second of the two launches.
 | Braden's "Kiss My Dark Star" vs. Justyn's "Solar Sailor" Drag Race, 1/20th Normal Speed (2011-08-19)      Slow motion of Justyn's rocket lifting-off ahead of Braden's.
 | Braden's "Kiss My Dark Star", First Flight (2011-08-19)      First launch of Braden's new Wildman Dark Star.
 | Braden's "Kiss My Dark Star", First Flight, handheld camera (2011-08-19)      First launch of Braden's new Wildman Dark Star.
 | Coldfire, Flight 20 (Slow Motion) (2011-09-02)      Launch of Coldfire slowed to 5% normal speed (1.5fps).
 | Discovery Center of Idaho TARC Team, again (2011-08-19)      Another launch by the TARC team, this time of a rocket named "Chelsea" after one of their teammates who was not in attendance.
 | Dragon Fly, Flight #5 (2011-05-29)      Launch of my Aerotech Arreaux, "Dragon Fly", on its 5th flight. The motor was an Aerotech G76-10. The rocket flew to 2775' AGL and landed approximately 3/4 mile down range in winds of 15-20mph.
 | Dragon Fly, Flight 4, Attempt 3 (2011-09-04)      Third attempt to launch "Dragon Fly" on its fourth flight. This turned into an accidental drag race due to a misconfiguration of the launch controller. My rocket had an unfair advantage due to it flying on a smaller motor which will pressurize quicker. The yelling to "Dave" in the middle portions of the clip are to the away pad where a Level 3 certification flight was being prepared for flight as the blue skies arrived over us.
 | Dragon Fly. Flight #5. slowed to 1/20th normal spped (2011-05-29)      Launch of my Aerotech Arreaux, "Dragon Fly", on its 5th flight. The motor was an Aerotech G76-10. The rocket flew to 2775' AGL and landed approximately 3/4 mile down range in winds of 15-20mph.
 | Dragon Fly. Flight 4, Attempt 3 (Slow Motion) (2011-09-04)      Launch of "Dragon Fly" on Flight #4 in slow motion (about 3% normal speed).
 | Flying Colors, Flight #6 (2011-08-19)      Launch of my rocket, Flying Colors, on its 6th flight. Power was provided by a CTI 517I255-16A. My AltimeterOne appears to have malfunctioned, reporting an altitude less than 1000' AGL, which was clearly not the case. Expected altitude was 6726' AGL.
 | Greg's "Largely Unfinished", Flight One of Two, handheld camera (2011-08-19)      Greg launched this rocket twice, the first time on an I435 motor.
 | Lacy & Luke's Paint Splattered Rocket (2011-08-19)      This Aerotech Barracuda was finished with a splattered paint effect and flown by a proud little boy and his dad.
 | Level One Certification Launch (2011-05-29)      Launch of my LOC/Precision Vulcanite H76 named "Flying Colors" on my successful TRA Level 1 certification flight. Launched on a Cesaroni 38mm 538I303BS-16A.
 | Level One Certification Launch (Slow Motion) (2011-07-13)      3 seconds starting at 34.55 seconds into the original video. Slowed to 1fps from 30fps. Launch of my LOC/Precision Vulcanite H76 named "Flying Colors" on my successful TRA Level 1 certification flight on 10/30/2010. Launched on a Cesaroni 38mm 538I303BS-16A.
 | Level Two Certification Launch (2011-07-13)      Launch of my LOC/Precision Vulcanite H76 named "Flying Colors" on my successful TRA Level 2 certification flight on 10/30/2010. Launched on a Cesaroni 38mm 658J357BS-17A.
 | Level Two Certification Launch (Slow Motion) (2011-05-31)      2 seconds starting at 1:22.3 seconds into the original video. Slowed to 1 fps from 30fps. Launch of my LOC/Precision Vulcanite H76 named "Flying Colors" on my successful TRA Level 2 certification flight on 10/30/2010. Launched on a Cesaroni 38mm 658J357BS-17A.
 | Montage of Tripoli Idaho Rocketry launches on 2011-05-21 (2011-06-24)      3 of the 6 HPR launches at Tripoli Idaho Rocketry's launch held May 21, 2011. I missed the other launches because I was out recovering "Flying Colors", the red, white, and blue rocket seen twice in the montage.
 | Neil's Red Rocket (2011-08-19)      |
 | Rick's "Blunt Scrambler" (2011-08-19)      I have no idea what a "blunt" is or why you'd want to scramble one, but Rick has a rocket to do the job! :-)
 | Sam's Rocket - Rotated, Trimmed, & Stabilized (2012-02-20)      First flight of Sam's Wildman Dark Star Mini on a CTI 84-G88-11A
 | Thumper, Flight 2 (2011-09-04)      Fortunately, this is not my rocket. The whistling noise and "thump" heard at the end of this clip are the ballistic descent and impact of "Thumper" on the opposite side of the road from the flight line after its recovery system failed to deploy for indeterminate reasons. The remains of the nose cone were buried 1.5' to 2' into the desert floor.
 | Ty's Acme, Final Flight (2011-08-19)      Ty's Binder Design rocket, named Acme, launching on its final flight. Unfortunately the recovery system tangled on deployment and the rocket landed hard, snapping off a fin and reopening a previously repaired zipper.
 | Ty's Acme, Final Flight. hand held camera (2011-08-19)      Ty's Binder Design rocket, named Acme, launching on its final flight. Unfortunately the recovery system tangled on deployment and the rocket landed hard, snapping off a fin and reopening a previously repaired zipper.