Thrifty Rocketeer Posts
Rocketry Product: Estes - Hex 3 {Kit} (7263) [2017-]
Hex-3 Build thread-- Part 1: Another motor mount! (2019-12-09)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is going to be a shorter build blog thread, as the Hex-3 is basically a paper launch platform that assembles quickly and appears to be Estes version of a ... [Read More]
Hex-3 Build-- Part 2: Folding Paper (2019-12-10)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is the second part of a simple build thread for the Hex-3... an alternative rocket kit that is more of a platform lifter with tumble recovery. The skill ... [Read More]
Hex-3 Build Blog-- Part 3: It all comes together (2019-12-11)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... This is the final installment in a simple card stock build for a platform lifter with tumble recovery from Estes. Now that the three girder legs were folded and ... [Read More]