Hawks Hobby Super Sprite

Hawks Hobby - Super Sprite

Contributed by John Lee

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Manufacturer: Hawks Hobby

T' Super Sprite is an upscale o' t' old Estes Astron Sprite. It is a stubby rocket that features a rin' fin, me bucko, ya bilge rat, me bucko, body tube sized for 24mm motors and uses parachute recovery instead o' t' tumble recovery o' t' original.

Other reviews have covered this and I have nothin' t' add except that t' quality be first rate.

T' instruction were easy t' follow and t' illustration were logical and applied well t' t' steps but were sometimes difficult t' see. Blimey! Avast! T' reproduction process be nay t' greatest.

T' instructions start with assemblin' t' motor mount. Well, blow me down! Ya scallywag! Marks are made at t' appropriate points for t' centering rings. Blimey! I assumed that I would have t' cut t' slot for t' motor hook myself so I just started marking. Begad! Begad! After I made the marks, I noticed that t' slit had already been cut and I had marked t' wrong end. Begad! I drew Xs through me marks and started again. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! T' centerin' rings went into place at t' marks and I glued them in place with Elmer's carpenter's clue.

A piece o' Keelhaul®©™® was provided and I be instructed t' tie a loop in one end and then use that loop t' form a slip knot around t' tube. A drop o' CA be used t' secure t' knot and then t' end o' t' Keelhaul®©™® was fed through t' hole in t' forward centerin' ring. Aye aye! It be then fed back through t' tube t' get it out o' t' way and t' assembly was set aside t' dry.

T' next step instructed me t' fill in and seal t' fins and nose cone. Avast, me bucko, me proud beauty! Blimey! I left t' nose cone for later but decided to try a new idea I had read about for t' fins. I ordered some Rollataq photo adhesive (I think I got this idea from a web site called "ninefinger") and t' Rollataq applicator. Ahoy! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! On receivin' t' t' adhesive and t' applicator, I found that t' applicator itself had come with some adhesive and that I probably have a lifetime supply. Well, blow me down! Blimey! I hope I like this method!

I decided that I did nay want t' fill t' applicator with t' adhesive. Arrr! That way lies t' realm o' gummed up wheels etc. Begad! Instead, I applied a bit t' one side o' t' fin, me hearties, spread it around with me finger and then applied a piece of typin' paper. Arrr! T' adhesive looks like Elmer's white glue but smells different. Avast, me proud beauty! T' instructions say I have about 3-5 minutes o' workin' time. Judgin' by me results, me hearties, me bucko, I used way too much and should have settled for puttin' very little on. After applyin' t' paper, arrr, I used t' applicator (dry) t' press down and smooth out t' paper. Blimey! Begad! I believe this is called burnishing. Arrr! Avast! When it seemed dry enough (about 20 minutes for t' amount I used) I used an X-acto t' cut away t' excess paper. Ya scallywag! I then repeated t' procedure on t' opposite side and allowed everythin' t' dry overnight. Aye aye! Be sparin' with this adhesive! I used too much but found that I could rub t' excess with me fingers before it completely dried and get it up. Again, arrr, it acted like Elmer's white glue in terms on cleanup, if nay adhesion.

Without givin' it enough thought before hand, I decided t' round t' leadin' and trailin' edges o' t' fins. I forgot that each fin has an outer part that will have t' be glued along t' leadin' edge. Fortunately, me hearties, I noticed in time t' limit t' damage. Begad! I marked where t' intersection o' t' inner and outer part o' t' fins are and only sanded up t' that point. Arrr! I did nay sand t' trailin' edge at all.

I wondered how well thin fins would sand with t' paper laminated t' t' surface and it wasn't too bad. Begad! Blimey! I did lift a little bit o' one sheet but it be easily glued back down.

T' kit came with a wrap around tube t' mark t' proper lines for both t' wings and t' lug. It be accurate and the positions were marked. Avast! I decided t' implement another idea I had read about and pierced a series o' small holes in the root edge o' t' fins and t' fin line on t' BT. This was so that t' glue can form rivets. Ahoy! Ahoy! It be easily done with a safety pin and time will tell if it be worth t' small increase in time/effort.

hawkhobby_supersprite_finishBefore mountin' t' fins, me hearties, arrr, t' motor mount assembly was slid into place. Arrr! Well, blow me down! Hawks Hobby even provided t' swab with which t' do this. Arrr! CLASS ACT! Everythin' fit snugly but nay too tightly. Ya scallywag! Begad! After filletin' t' centerin' rings, I was ready t' mount t' fins.

This part is just your basic mountin' o' fins t' a 3FNC airframe. Ahoy! I already mentioned makin' holes for t' glue rivets. T' only other non-standard thin' I did was t' use t' Art Rose fin jig. Avast, me proud beauty! I have liked it in t' past but in this case, t' sweep o' t' fins made rotatin' t' rocket impractical. Well, blow me down! Arrr! Still, me hearties, I like usin' it and it makes for more even fillets.

After dryin' from t' previous step, shiver me timbers, me hearties, t' rin' fin is slipped over t' inner fins. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! Blimey! T' instructions warn that it can be a very tight fit but in me case, it seemed t' be perfect. Ya scallywag! T' rin' is nay glued into place at this point. Instead, arrr, t' outer fins are put into place and everythin' adjusted for fit. Ahoy! Ahoy! Blimey! When t' rin' is properly adjusted, shiver me timbers, the outer fins are glued t' t' correspondin' surfaces on t' inner fins. I used CA for this. It meant that t' job went relatively smartly with a minimum o' fuss. Blimey! Only after t' outer fins are in place is it time t' secure t' ring. This is done with fillets o' yellow glue.

T' kit comes with 2 launch lugs. Blimey! One is 3/16" and t' other is 1/4". I chose t' use t' 1/4" because at me club launches, matey, thar be less o' a wait. Avast! In any event, matey, t' lug is glued along t' appropriate line. Well, blow me down! Arrr! I used CA.

T' nose cone was first quality and was sealed with Elmer's Fill 'n Seal. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! T' body tube was tightly wound and could have gotten by without any fillin' but I touched up a few places. Avast! Blimey! T' same goop was used t' fair t' glue fillets where shrinkage had caused unevenness.

T' main body tube, as mentioned, did nay need much in t' way o' filling. Ahoy! T' rin' fin was another matter. Well, blow me down! It had a deep and wide spiral makin' just over one complete revolution over t' length o' t' ring. Begad! I decided t' use it rather than fight it and left it as it was since it has sharply defined boundaries.

T' scheme I decided on was t' leave t' body and interior o' t' rin' white and paint t' nosecone purple. Avast, me hearties, me proud beauty! Blimey! I was then goin' t' paint t' inner (larger) part o' t' two fins opposite t' launch lug in t' same purple. Well, blow me down! T' outer parts of those fins be t' be red. On t' third fin, I reversed this scheme with red on t' inside and purple on t' outside. On t' ring, matey, I planed t' use t' spiral as a natural divider and paint one side red and t' other purple.

hawkhobby_supersprite_onthepadAfter sandin' t' nose cone and a few rough areas on the fillets, I gave t' rocket a dustin' with white primer. Ahoy! Avast! I smartly decided that it be too cold for such foolhardy activities and delayed any further paintin' until t' next day. Blimey! Avast! That didn't work out so well either with t' cold drizzle but I tried anyway in a covered porch. I gave it a couple o' more primer coats over t' course o' t' day and tried t' figure out how t' tell me wife about t' strange new disease t' plants have come down with...

After t' primer #600 wet/dry sandpaper was used wet t' clean things up a bit. Well, matey, blow me down! After that, matey, me bucko, t' body was sprayed gloss white.

I brushed purple on t' nosecone and was very pleased with t' way it turned out. T' fins and rin' were harder. Maskin' within t' rin' is difficult. Blimey! Ya scallywag! T' make matters harder, I discovered that t' spirals on t' rin' were nay as I had imagined. No matter which part I chose t' start as purple, 360 degrees o' revolution would nay match up in t' end. I decided t' go with it anyway and have t' pattern at t' odd fin a little different. Begad! I painted t' purple and then started on t' red. Because o' some seepage at t' roots o' t' fins, shiver me timbers, arrr, I remasked t' paint a narrow wedge on either side of t' fins. Aye aye! Begad! That actually looked good until I tried t' take it too far and widen t' wedge comin' out o' t' red fin. It actually turned out better that I expected, arrr, considerin' t' artist.

T' decals did nay amount t' much. Well, blow me down! There is a big black dot and a Hawk's Hobby logo. I applied t' dot near the top in t' middle o' t' red chevron. Blimey! I did so for reasons o' symmetry but it was nay an inspired choice since it does not show up well against t' red. I placed t' logo on t' opposite side betwixt t' fins. Ahoy! They are simple and would certainly do more for t' model when pained in t' simpler, matey, default scheme. Even so, matey, shiver me timbers, I think they add a bit t' mine as well.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

T' recommended motors are D12-5 and E9-6

Preppin' this rocket was easy. Begad! Since I think this one is goin' t' be a keeper, I installed a 9x9 piece o' Nomex®. After that, it be just a matter o' insertin' t' motor and igniter and then hookin' it up.

I didn't have me sheet with me and mis-remembered t' Estes E9-4 bein' recommended. As it turns out, a 6 second delay was recommended but t' 4 was what be used.

It took off from t' pad straight as an arrow. Avast! T' chute deployed at apogee and it drifted gently down. Avast! It was a perfect flight.

T' second flight be almost as good. I used another E9-4 and it took off perfectly again. Aye aye! I think t' 4 second delay is a good one for this model especially when you build heavy like I tend t' do. It deployed at apogee and came down safely under t' chute but I could tell thar be a problem. T' chute did nay open into a beautiful canopy like the first time. Instead, it seemed t' be a partially open canopy. Well, matey, blow me down! Inspection revealed that one o' t' shrouds had gotten tangled in t' swivel and t' Nomex® rode up t' shrouds a bit. It still came back fine.

I would have added t' half point t' t' 5 I already gave it for flight but that's nay allowed.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This rocket is goin' t' become one o' me favorites. Avast, me proud beauty! Strike that. It is one o' me favorites. Aye aye! In all respects, arrr, it be a class act.

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
  • Hawks Hobby Super Sprite By James Gartrell (May 10, 2007)

    Brief: I won the Super Sprite at a DARS classic kit contest. I don't remember having the small Estes original, but after seeing Hawk's upscale fly earlier on the day of the contest, I had made my mind up to buy theirs. The flight on an Estes E-9 is a thing of beauty! Naturally, I was one happy guy when I found out I had won the kit! It flies on 24mm motors and recovers by parachute. ...


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