Flight Log - 2017-06-26 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Flying Porta Pad

A re-draw from the online parts picture from the new Estes Hex-3 kit.

I drew it to look like an old, yellow Porta Pad launcher.

Most all was printed on 110 lb. card stock. Centering ring cut from mat board. No launch lug.

Flight Date: 2017-06-26
Rocket Name: Flying Porta Pad
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: Estes B6-2
Expected Altitude: 75 Feet
Launch Site: Schoolyard Soccer field
Actual Altitude: 65 Feet

Slow and labored, really needs a C6 engine.

Still fun and a LOT cheaper than the new Estes kit.

1Estes B6-2


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