LOC Athena3 Rocket, Aerotech H210R-M (2016-12-07)LOC Athena3 Rocket Dual Deploy with StratologgerCF Aerotech RMS 29/240 H210R-M LUNAR Launch Event Snow Ranch, CA December 3rd, 2016 [View]
Madcow Mini Frenzy on an Aerotech H210R (2017-08-25)This is my Madcow Rocketry Fiberglass Mini Frenzy, taking a ride atop an Aerotech H210 Redline motor. The motor sits in the Aerotech 29/240 case, has a one-second burn time, and maxes out at 62 ... [View]
Madcow Sport X - Aerotech H-210 Redline (2020-05-17)Madcow Rocketry flying on an Aerotech H-210 Redline (29/240) up to around 2300ft. Launching with the Superstition Spacemodeling Society. [View]
STUBBS (2009-07-26)Stubbs at Kloudburst 19, Argonia KS. Flights on Aerotech H250G, and H210R. [View]