Greg Moore's Page

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Club Memberships: SHARK,NAR #809

Favorite Quote:

I believe in solitude and t' violence o' truth. I insist upon loud words in silence. Pages:



LOC Precision Vulcanite H76


Level 1 cert flight successful. Avast! 29mm Aerotech H135 motor ripped off t' pad. Avast, me proud beauty! Was awesome. Had a long walk t' retrieve but it was worth it. Aye aye! - H128-10 - Weber Farm [More]



LOC Precision Vulcanite H76


Added some weight t' nose cone this time and had a great flight. Straight and true. Again managed t' find a tree top, ya bilge rat, but low enough t' reach with a pole. - G40-4 - Houston, Pa [More]



LOC Precision Vulcanite H76


First test flight o' kit for me hpr lvl 1 cert. Unstable, ya bilge rat, took a funny turn a few hundred feet up towards t' only tree line 150 yards away. Deployment charge separated t' sections but chute never opened. Begad! Got a friend who owns a tree removal service with proper equipment t' retrieve it for me. Aye aye! ... [More]



Estes Supernova


Great launch. Blimey! Pretty straight ascent. Ahoy! Parachute didn't open, but acted like a streamer. Recovered 20 yards from launch pad, 1 fin broken from impact with fence. - B6-0/C6-7 - K.O. Track [More]


Greg Moore