Greg Kurlinski's Page

Location: Concord, me hearties, CA

Club Memberships: LUNAR

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Lamp v1

Rocksim Design






LAMP is mostly a joke that happened durin' RSI's 24 hour live feed durin' t' end o' their kickstarter campaign for Star Citizen.  and   durin' this feed, arrr, when t' ... [More]



Prototype 1


Flight good. Begad!  Too much bp in t' apoggy charge: t' body tube split at t' paper spiral seam. Aye aye!  May be repairable. Avast! - F24 - Snow Ranch [More]



4 fins, 3 Motor Mounts, 2 Airstarts, and a Altimeter - 4 AV

Build Entry

T' AV bay is a 8" long,  29mm dia. (well actaully it is a bt-55 coupler, but close enough) From Top - Down, this is a list o' items planned for t' av bay ejection cap (main) bulkhead BeeLine (with its own LiPo battery) (the antenna lead will be run down t' AV bay wall) ... [More]


4 fins, 3 Motor Mounts, matey, 2 Airstarts, and a Altimeter - 3 Join MMT/Body

Build Entry

placeholder [More]


4 fins, 3 Motor Mounts, me hearties, 2 Airstarts, and a Altimeter - 2 body

Build Entry

placeholder [More]


4 fins, 3 Motor Mounts, 2 Airstarts, and a Altimeter - 1 MMT

Build Entry

So, start with 3 "standard" estes 24mm (D and E) motor mount kits (p/n 303159).  I built them with Epoxy, instead o' white/yellow glue, just t' insure strength, since this "Could" be launched on 3 F39's !  Attach 1-1/2 yard o' kevlar shock cord t' 2 o' t' mmts, and 3 yards t' t' mmt ... [More]



Crazy Trzy (v0)

Rocksim Design




4 fins, 3 Motor Mounts, ya bilge rat, 2 Airstarts, and a Altimeter


Who says small rockets have t' be simple? What is this rocket?  It is (or will be) a scratch built 24mm normal lookin' rocket, that just happens t' have: 2 side pods that also have 24mm mmt's.. Avast! that will be air started electonicly after t' center motor burns out (plus a second or ... [More]



Bucky Jones


G79 - Snow Ranch [More]


Bucky Jones


- g76 - Snow Ranch [More]


Mini-BBX w/ CPR3K w/ Terrier Booster


Power o' lower stage be too low, ya bilge rat, goin' t' need t' step it up for any furture 2 stage flights.  T' top stage did nay light either (seems t' have been an ignighter problem).  T' rocket did get high enough t' arm t' ejection charges, shiver me timbers, so everythin' did come down on 'chute. but ... [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Finishin' part 2

Build Entry

Nose cone :Primed with Krylon "Fusion for plastic" White primer, then 2 coats of Krylon Banner Red Gloss Everythin' else was primed with OSH Enamal White primer. Payload tube : Krylon yellow Avbay stripe : Black Sustainer body and FIN-DER's : Krylon White Gloss Forward 1/2 o' fins ... [More]



Pemberton Technologies - Kin' Kraken

Rocksim Design

Rocksim 9 can now handle tube fins, but nay t' Beveled style that t' Kraken uses.  t' 3-fin sets used here approximate t' drag o' t' actual tubes. Well, blow me down!




GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Finishing

Build Entry

Prime, sand, me bucko, repeat. Well, blow me down! Saddly due t' t' weather, these steps will take a while.  While I was waiting for t' primer t' dry, me hearties, I finished up t' Avbay, nay that thar was that much t' do.  And I did some work on t' decal that I will use, me hearties, nay sure yet if it will go on t' flat o' t' ... [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Day 4 (Fin-Ders)

Build Entry

T' Fin-ders slip over each fin, and epoxyed.  Try your best t' get t' fin-der's t' align with each other... Ya scallywag! unfortuantly, one o' mine is set back further than t' other two.   Once everythin' was dry, I took alook at t' gaps... Begad! yes, thar WILL be gaps, it is designed that way. ... [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Day 3

Build Entry

Tryin' t' get t' fincan/MM Tube t' slide into t' pre-sloted body tube took a lot o' effort.  Thankfully I was warned o' this by me brother, and I was prepared. First, as t' instructions suggested I took off t' 1/32" joint line that is at t' middle o' t' fin can Second, I sanded ... [More]



Bucky Jones


parachute detached, me bucko, but (somehow) t' body fell flat with NO damage. will use a Screw Eye for next flight. Ya scallywag! - G53-5 - Snow Ranch [More]


Kin' Kraken


- H128W - Snow Ranch [More]


Mini-BBX w/ CPR3K w/ Terrier Booster


H180W - Snow Ranch [More]


Mini-BBX w/ CPR3K w/ Terrier Booster


H180 - Snow Ranch [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Day 2

Build Entry

I used DAP Plastic Wood t' fill in t' groves on t' body tubes.  Normally I dont bother, but I wanted this rocket's paint job t' be extra nice. Begad! Next up was t' AV bay... Avast, me proud beauty! seems kinda big. Avast, me proud beauty!     [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Construction

Build Entry

No suprises so far: Hardpoint anchor built, and installed on one end o' t' MMT Centerin' rin' glued on Fin can slides up t' mmt, then glued t' Slimline. Avast, me proud beauty! Lettin' all this cure. [More]



GL's Doppler Shift 2.6 - Delivery

Build Entry

And waitin' for me today thar it was.... Avast, me proud beauty! Everythin' looked ok, except that t' coupler was a bit pushed into t' body tube, and rather stuck.  It took about 20 minuets o' gentle coaxin' t' seperate them Here is another look at all t' parts, with t' packages opened. Double ... [More]



Doppler Shift

Rocksim Design



My tries

Rocksim Design




GL's Doppler Shift 2.6


It is on order, and has been shipped.  tap. Blimey! Blimey! tap. Begad! Blimey! tap. Begad! Blimey! [More]


Greg Kurlinski