| 7777 ft Flight (2011-07-05)      Flight by Tim Thomas of a prototype rocket being developed by Giant Leap Rocketry on an Animal Motor Works J450. The flight reached 7777 feet AGL (Above Ground Level). The rocket used a dual deployment system with a small drogue being deployed at apogee and the main being deployed at 800 feet. Visit the website of the Southern Colorado Rocketeers at www.scronline.net
 | Altitude Contest #2.MOV (2011-07-13)      Rocket being launched in the I altitude competition during NARAM 52. This was the first High Power Rocketry competition sponsored by NAR. Launch site was the Hudson Ranch located 9.5 miles SW of Pueblo, CO.Visit the website of the Southern Colorado Rocketeers at www.scronline.net
 | Another One Bites The Dust with Rockets..wmv (2011-06-22)      On board rocket videos of rocket malfunctions such as separations and failure of parachutes to fully deploy. Many rockets are high powered and reach high altitudes. No persons were injured and no property was damaged by these mishaps.
 | Beulah Heights Launch 18 May 2011.wmv (2011-06-22)      On board rocket video from a model rocket demo flight conducted for the students of Beulah Heights Elementary School on 18 May 2011 in Pueblo Colorado.
 | Cessaroni K590 (2011-09-22)      Cessaroni K590 high power rocket flight to approximately 6500 feet in Pueblo, Colorado at the Hudson Ranch located 9.5 miles SW of Pueblo Colorado on US Highway 78 (Beulah Highway). Rocket was built by Jason Chamberlin of Pueblo West and employed a "dual recovery" system. Drogue chute was deployed at apogee and main was deployed at 800 feet.
 | CHILI BLASTER III_0001.wmv (2011-12-01)      Video of CHILI BLASTER III an event sponsored by the Southern Colorado Rocketeers in Pueblo Colorado. This is an annual event with an FAA waiver to 12,000 feet above ground level/17,500 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL). Highlights were upscale Cherokee D mass rocket launch and night launch.
 | CMCA NASA SLI Launch (2011-05-31)      Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy in Colorado Springs testing their experiment for the NASA Student Launch Initiative at the Hudson Ranch on 17 January 2009. The location is the launch site of the Southern Colorado Rocketeers NAR Section #632 www.scronline.net.
 | Crashing HAWK (2011-06-22)      Scale model of a HAWK Missile being launched at National Sport Launch (NSL 2010). The Center of Gravity (CG)/Center of pressure (CP) must not have been in the proper relationship with each other. It biffed it real good.
 | December 2011 Rocket Launch.wmv (2011-12-31)      Model and High Power Rocket Launch South West of Pueblo Colorado by the Southern Colorado Rocketeers.
 | Escape Velocity 5334 ft (2011-06-22)      My Giant Leap Rocketry Escape Velocity reaching an altitude of 5334 Feet. during HELLFIRE 14 on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
 | Fountain International Magnet School Science Day Rocket Launch.wmv (2011-06-22)      Rocket launch in front of over 400 children,parents, and event volunteers at the Fountain International Magnet School on May 12,2011 in Pueblo, Colorado. Other presenters were: The United States Air Force, CSU-Biology,Solar Roast Coffee,St. Mary Corwin Hospital,Colorado Department of Wildlife,CSU-Chemistry,Pueblo County Health Department,Pueblo County Maps/GIS, Black Hills Energy,RRR Imaging, Marine Biology,KMG Chemical,CSU-Robotics,Pueblo Zoo,Bessemer Historical Society,Summit Brick,Parkview Hospital,National Association of Rocketry-Southern Colorado Rocketeers.
 | G Powered Large Model Rocket dropping "helicopters" (2011-06-22)      A large model rocket that had a "trap door" to deploy a fleet of small helicopters when at apogee. This was part of the National Sport Launch 2010 at Alamogordo New Mexico.
 | HELL FIRE 16 (2011-08-19)      Photos and on board camera video of rocket flights at HELL FIRE 16 at the Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah
 | High Power Rocket Launch near Pueblo Colorado (2011-05-29)      Two High Power Rocket Flights that reached altitudes of approximately 2000 feet. Video was recorded by on board cameras mounted to the rockets.
 | K "Sparky" Motor in Pueblo, CO (2011-06-22)      K Motor with "Special Effect" of sparks, Rocket owned by Jason Chamberlin of Pueblo West. Rocket recovered with a dual deployment system for its parachutes.
 | K Motor Launch Pueblo CO 1-17-2009 (2011-05-29)      Jason Chamberlin of Pueblo West Colorado flies his High Power Rocket on a K 600 Animal Motor Works White Wolf Motor to over 5000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL).
 | L Motor Launch (2011-06-22)      L Motor Launched during the National Sport Launch 2010 in Alamogordo New Mexico during the Memorial Day weekend.
 | LOC Aura model rocket with key chain camera. (2011-06-24)      On board camera video for a LOC Aura flown in Pueblo, Colorado on 1-15-2010. The rocket reached an altitude of about 1200 feet on an Aerotech E20-7 motor. It was flown on the flying field of NAR Section #632 Southern Colorado Rocketeers www DOT scronline DOT net . It makes a few sharp rolls due to the camera being slightly out of alignment with the body of the rocket.
 | M Motor Launch Pueblo, CO USA (2011-06-22)      B'Dale Garbee a member of Southern Colorado Rocketeers made a successful Level 3 attempt flying a 10' Polecat Goblin on a M1297 motor. Dual deployment drogue chute at apogee and main parachute deployment at 1300 feet. The rocket reached an altitude in excess of 5400 feet and is the first known M Class High Power Rocket to fly in Pueblo County.
 | Mile High Mayhem Saturn V (2011-06-03)      1/30th scale model of the Apollo 11 Saturn V launched at the Pawnee National Grass lands in Colorado USA. The rocket was powered by a central M motor and four K motors. Maximum altitude reached was over 3000 feet Above Ground Level. The launch was on 22 May 2009 as part of Mile High Mayhem sponsored by Northern Colorado Rocketry (NCR) Visit the Southern Colorado Rocketeers website at www.scronline.net.
 | Model and High Power Rocket Launch in Pueblo Colorado with Special Guest. (2012-02-07)      Model and High Power rocket launch near Pueblo, Colorado with a special visit by Vern Estes who founded Estes Model Rockets and is a pioneer in the hobby of model rocketry.
 | NARAM 52 V2 (2011-06-22)      Scale model of a German V2 launched on Saturday July 31, 2010 during NARAM 52 in Pueblo Colorado. The rocket suffered a malfunction at apogee with the body not being attached to the nose cone and it crashed to Earth.
 | New rocket video of February 19, 2011 Launch in Pueblo, CO (2011-06-22)      Video from the February 19, 2011 launch of the Southern Colorado Rocketeers
 | NIKE Smoke with Air Start (2011-06-22)      NIKE Smoke built by members of SCORE being flown at CHILI BLASTER I.
 | NIKE X Launch (2011-06-26)      Launch of my upscale of the Estes NIKE X on an Aerotech E20 motor during NARAM 52 in Pueblo Colorado.
 | On Board Rocket Video of Launch in Pueblo Colorado (2011-06-22)      On board rocket video from an Estes Blue Ninja on a D12-5 and an Estes Big Bertha with a C6-3 motors. Launch site was near Pueblo Colorado on the Hudson Ranch.
 | Richard Fonzi K Motor 12 19 09 (2011-06-22)      Richard Fonzi launching one of his rockets to over one mile up.
 | Rocket Powered Glider (2011-06-22)      John Boren Flying his Delta Winged rocket glider on a G Motor at the Hudson Ranch Pueblo, CO
 | Rocket Shred in Pueblo, CO (2011-06-22)      High Powered rocket on a J motor falls apart in mid flight.
 | Scott Evans L Launch (2011-06-22)      L Motor launch during Southern Colorado Rocketeers CHILI BLASTER I event.
 | SLI 28 March 2009 (2011-05-31)      Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy (CMCA) Student Launch Initiative (SLI) sponsored by NASA test flight of the video system on an H Motor. This was the final test of the video experiment to see if it is possible to determine the rocket's altitude by measuring targets on the ground located at known distances from the launch pad.
 | STEM Launch CSU-Pueblo.wmv (2011-06-22)      Model rocket presentation at Colorado State University -Pueblo for the Science, Technology,Engineering, and Math (STEM) event being held for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Colorado. The video from an on board rocket got good pictures of the ground, children and buildings of the CSU-Pueblo Campus.
 | Two Stage Air Start to a Sparky.MOV (2011-06-22)      Two stage rocket at NARAM 52. I motor to an H "sparky" second stage. It was a spectacular flight.
 | UK Armed Forces Day in the USA .wmv (2011-08-16)      Video made from an on board camera during mid power rocket launch in Hartsel Colorado USA. The specific launch of this rocket was to celebrate UK Armed Forces Day. Tripoli Colorado was holding their "Spring Fling" event. This is the highest elevation launch site for launching hobby and high power civilian rockets.
 | VVII High Power Rocket Launch (2011-06-03)      Civil Air Patrol rocket built by Valkayrie Cadet Squadron launch at the Hudson Ranch. Hudson Ranch is the launch site of the Southern Colorado Rocketeers NAR Section 632. The core motor of a K ignited successfully but the air starts of the six (6) J motors failed and the rocket only reached about 1000 feet in altitude. The Cadets will try again in the spring.