Quest Big Dog, Aerotech Arreaux, And Strong Arm Rocket Video (2012-07-17)Three rockets were launched in this video. The first launch is my Quest Big Dog with a Estes D12-5 motor. The second launch is my Aerotech Arreaux with a Aerotech E18-4W motor. The last video is my ... [View]
Mean Green F39 (2010-05-02)Flight #1 of Mean green [View]
Comanche 3 Model Rocket. (2013-06-09)Justin Stotter's scratch-built upscale Comanche 3 model rocket. It flies with three stages with an F39/4 staging to a D12/3 staging to a E9/6. Flight occurred at Horning's Alfalfa Field near ... [View]
Estes Big Daddy Rocket Launch RMS F39-6T and F24-7W (2012-11-25)This video is two launches of my custom Estes Big Daddy. The first launch was on my favorite motor for this rocket the AeroTech RMS F39-6T, it flew straight up to 699 ft . The second flight is on ... [View]
Estes Ventris on an Aerotech F39-6T (2017-12-03)Launch of the Estes Ventris Pro Series II #9701 on an Aerotech F39-6T which is the largest motor currently available for the 24/40 case. ***This is one of several rocketry videos from this summer ... [View]
Fail Estes The Dude model rocket launch with F-39 (2015-01-25)This rocket normally takes a D12-3, it folded in half and blew of the panels from two fins. Too much power inflatable rocket. Was fun! [View]
Onyx - Flight 11 - F39 (2012-09-16)David flew his LOC Onyx on an Aerotech F39 on Sunday September 16th, at MMMSClub in Berwick. [View]