First Aerotech Strong Arm Model Rocket Launch At MAM Field (2011-09-12)For my first model rocket launch at the html [View]
2009-03-22 - ASP Tallboy Flight 005 - F24W-7 - 210 fps (2009-03-25)2009-03-22 - ASP Tallboy Flight 005 - F24W-7 - 210 fps [View]
Perseus X4 "Eagle" liftoff on F-24 @ TORC Fest 11/6/2010 (2010-11-24)Perseus X4 booster "Eagle" on Aerotech F-24 @ Springfiled Ohio TORC Fest 11/7/2010. Altitude, approx: 1380 feet [View]
Aerotech Arreaux Rocket With Onboard Video (2012-09-29)Aerotech Arreaux using an Aerotech F24-7W motor. Simulated Altitude at apogee was 1078 ft [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 R/C rocket glider flying on E-20 and F-24 motors (2020-02-26)Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 R/C rocket glider flying on E-20 and F-24 motors [View]
V2 On an F24-4 (2011-02-07)After launching on a E15-4, I decided to, "boost it up a bit" with a F24-4. Wow!! what a nice motor! Not sure why the person filming stopped the film so quick, it went up so high!! The Blue Mountain ... [View]