Quest Evader Cruise Missile

Quest - Evader Cruise Missile {Kit} (2001) [1992-]

Contributed by Chris Gonnerman

Construction Rating: starstarstarstar_borderstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Published: 2014-01-08
Manufacturer: Quest
Style: Scale-like


Single stage missile-like rocket with an unusual compound nose cone.

I picked this one up while passin' through St. Aye aye! Louis; I had never seen one like it.  Nay surprising, I later learned, as I was able t' find it in t' early Quest catalogs on Ninfinger's site, ya bilge rat, but nay on t' current Quest website.

When I discovered that it was both OOP and nay reviewed on, me bucko, I thought perhaps I'd be able t' get t' first review in.  I procrastinated too long, shiver me timbers, it seems... here's hopin' I have somethin' t' add.


T' kit included a three-piece nosecone, body tube (which is nay described at all in t' plans, shiver me timbers, but is a 12" long piece o' T-25 tube), arrr, 2.75" long x 18mm engine tube, me hearties, engine hook, two centerin' rings, shiver me timbers, thrust ring, 18 inches o' white elastic and 12 inches o' Keelhaul®©™ for t' shock cord, matey, shiver me timbers, a standard Quest parachute (unassembled), me hearties, launch lug, ya bilge rat, die-cut balsa fins, arrr, and a sheet o' self-adhesive decals.


A typical well-written and nicely illustrated Quest instruction sheet greeted me when I dumped out t' bag.  T' first step is t' glue together t' three-piece nose cone.  I showed me wife t' cone, me bucko, and she agreed with me that t' middle piece appeared t' be a part o' somethin' non-rocket related, ya bilge rat, but we couldn't figure out what that might be.

After musin' over it a while, I applied plastic cement in t' indicated areas, me bucko, assembled it, and laid it aside t' dry.  Still on number 1 in t' instructions, I assembled t' engine tube, cuttin' t' usual engine hook slit and installin' it and t' thrust ring.  Curiously, t' thrust rin' insertion is left until step 6, but I couldn't see any reason nay t' go ahead and put it in, so I did.

Steps 2 through 5 call for a fairly standard engine mount assembly, arrr, so I'll omit how I went about it, except t' say that I changed t' Keelhaul®©™ mountin' method slightly.  T' plans call for a knot in t' end o' t' cord, arrr, which will prevent it from pullin' out from under t' upper centerin' ring.  I prefer t' actually loop t' Keelhaul®©™ around t' engine tube and make a small notch on t' outside o' t' centerin' ring, so that t' Keelhaul®©™ is a bit further from t' hot stuff at deployment.

As I mentioned, arrr, step 6 be just t' insertion o' t' thrust ring.  Next, arrr, t' elastic and Keelhaul®©™ are knotted together; again, matey, pretty standard stuff.

Step 8 shows t' engine mount bein' inserted by somehow runnin' t' shock cord through t' entire sustainer (which you must first put glue into), then insertin' t' engine mount behind it.  This is just awkward; I ran t' shock cord out t' back o' t' engine mount so I didn't have t' mess with gettin' t' shock cord t' pass t' glue (I'd surely have gotten it stuck).  Later, shiver me timbers, after all be dry, me hearties, shiver me timbers, I used a dowel t' push t' shock cord up through t' sustainer.

I have t' say, me bucko, at this point, ya bilge rat, that I blame much o' t' awkwardness o' this kit's instructions on its age; t' Evader is OOP, after all.  I know that later Quest models prescribed assembly methods that are easier t' perform.

Finally, me bucko, I followed t' instructions more or less as given t' mark t' sustainer fin locations (usin' t' standard "wrap" method), shiver me timbers, and t' square up and attach t' fins and launch lug.

Assembly o' t' parachute usin' t' plastic "gripper tabs" was me last step.  I outfitted it with a snap swivel, me hearties, so that I could separate t' parachute from t' rocket; I do this with almost all o' me rockets, shiver me timbers, me bucko, as it makes packin' up after a launch much faster (no need t' refold t' chutes, just stuff them in t' bottom o' t' range box and deal with them later).

T' rocket is marked skill level 2, matey, but honestly t' only reason I can think for it t' be a level 2 rocket be t' two forward "canard" fins and t' three piece nosecone.  It's really a pretty easy rocket t' build.


T' packagin' shows a fairly basic paint scheme, arrr, with t' body tube painted white, three o' t' fins painted a color I'd call orange, and t' nose cone painted red (at t' tip) and black (over t' rest o' it).  Maskin' t' nose cone t' paint it two-tone seems rather difficult t' me; I chose t' paint t' entire cone aluminum.  I also chose red rather than orange for t' fins.

T' directions call for paintin' t' rocket gloss gray all over (fins included) and t' nose cone black and orange.  This would nay be as attractive as t' package art, ya bilge rat, in me opinion.

T' supplied self-stick "decals" were a disappointment all around.  They were fairly thick (though perhaps you could level t' same complaint at most sticker sets), me hearties, they were nay die-cut (so you have t' cut around t' individualstickers), and most significantly, they weren't very well printed.  One particular complaint be t' Air Force star-and-bars insignia included, which were printed only in blue (no red stripe) even though t' red stripe is shown on t' packaging.  Also, a sticker shown on t' packagin' as part o' t' dorsal fin decoration is nay on t' sheet at all (or, me hearties, me hearties, alternately, they painted t' dorsal fin o' t' rocket on t' packagin' two colors, arrr, orange and white, then applied a strange little blue stripe from t' sticker sheet... Arrr! if that was how they did it, I have t' say I don't like that either).

T' end result here is that a rocket finished usin' t' instructions would nay be as attractive at t' rocket on t' package; on t' other hand, if you tried t' reproduce t' package art version, ya bilge rat, t' defects in t' stickers would aft up
and bite you.

I chose t' scan me stickers, me hearties, then create waterslide decals from them.  Havin' them scanned allowed me t' fix many o' t' defects.  As you can see from t' pictures, I also chose nay t' use t' entire set.

Please note that I deducted quite a bit from t' "Construction and Finishing" ratin' for t' crappy stickers.  It's nay a bad build at all, but finishin' it so it looks good is a lot harder with stickers.

Construction Score: 3


On August 22, 2009 I joined t' SPARC guys in St. Peters, arrr, Missouri for their regular monthly launch. They were launchin' at t' soccer field this time, so we drew some spectators, me bucko, which be pretty cool.  It was a bit breezier than I prefer, matey, but it had been a while since I'd launched any rockets so I threw caution to, well, t' wind.  I'd say we had gusts around 15 mph or so.

I launched t' Evader twice, matey, on an A8-3 and a B6-4, shiver me timbers, usin' an Estes chute (since I seemed t' have mislaid t' Quest chute). Avast! Both flights were very nice. Ya scallywag! Note that t' manufacturer didn't recommend t' A8-3, me hearties, likely because they don't sell them, matey, but it works fine. Ahoy! I did have a bit o' trouble gettin' t' nose cone t' stay straight. Blimey! Blimey! I fault t' rather short nose cone shoulder... Aye aye! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! it's just too easy t' get it crooked. Ahoy! But t' flight, ya bilge rat, deployment, and recovery were all good.  Overall it's a pretty nice flier.


T' Evader is a pretty standard rocket; thar are no particular unexpected pros or cons t' t' standard parachute recovery method.

Flight Rating: 5


As a basic pseudo-scale sport rocket, t' Evader was pretty decent.  Given t' oddball nose cone, shiver me timbers, clonin' it is probably out o' t' question... Arrr! so I don't suppose it matters whether I recommend it or not, arrr, but I do.  T' only real fault I saw was t' stickers.

Overall Rating: 4
Other Reviews
  • Quest Evader Cruise Missile By Matthew Bond (July 22, 2009)

    My first true "Born Again Rocketeer" experience happened in the late 1990s when my son expressed an interest in the "real" rockets at the hobby shop. We built and flew many of the skill level one rockets around at the time, but I was somewhat disappointed in the lack of imagination that I saw in the mass market kits. (I guess the 1980's Estes catalogs are as good as it gets.) One company that ...



Hans "Chris" Michielssen (January 9, 2014)

Always liked this model, have yet to get one. Thanks for posting the reivew.

That three piece nose cone was the same used on the MPC Martian Patrol. 

The center piece was a long adapter offered by Quest:

The deep ridges in the adapter were sometimes used to help with fin placement when the adapter was used as a tail cone.

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